‘We are a blaze in the northern sky’ – The Dark Throne Tournament 2014

Phil Millar: No Joke

Phil Millar: No Joke

April 26th saw the arrival of the first Corehammer 40K tournament The Dark Throne. Hosted by Chris Kaye & myself and (ably assisted by the rest of the crew) at the North West Gaming Centre in tropical Stockport, Dark Throne was something we’d all put a lot of time and love into setting up and running in a style that best refelcted our attitude and approach to gaming. A lot of new players are put off from entering tournaments because of the (sadly often true) preconception that they are teeming with gobshites wearing fedoras and them daft leather trenchcoats bellowing Family Guy quotes and getting on everyones tits. That’s not what Corehammer is about brah, we try to run things like a hardcore show, keep the door price low, the spirits high and the attitude chill. Filth lists were actively discouraged as were gamey twats and annoying neckbeard sensibilities. This was to be a day for relaxed gaming and some laughs with other somewhat functional humans. Continue reading

Oath Of Moment: Iron Warriors (Part 1)


“From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron!”

— Unbreakable Litany of the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion

Since I got back into the hobby, it didn’t take long to decide which army to collect. As a student of the Horus Heresy fluff and lore, after cutting my teeth with Adeptus Titanicus, I’d always been drawn to the original traitor legions, and none more than the IVth legion. Reading the fantastic Angel Exterminatus and Storm Of Iron by Graham McNeill pretty much sealed the deal, with a fantastic insight into Perturabo’s mind and the way the legion goes to war respectively. Cruel, bitter, taken for granted, overlooked, but also with a sharp mind, with attention to detail and meticulous planning. Yeah, that’s the kind of thing I can identify with. No talking swords needed to convert me.
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Gamechangers: Blizzard Of 2013

It was always going to be hard picking a particular favourite record. Some have picked their breakthrough record, the gateway LP which got them into hardcore, or just simply the one that means the most to them. I could have gone a couple of directions with this article, maybe select obvious golden oldies of the 80’s like Judge or the Cro-Mags and so on. Maybe I could have chosen what have been modern classics for me, Modern Life Is War’s ‘Witness’, Champion’s Promises Kept, Holyghost’s Self-Titled LP, Internal Affairs, Lights Out on and on and on. I also struggled with the idea of choosing maybe a UK release. Potentially the UK’s hardcore scene had a bigger impact on me, with so many friends made and so many fantastic bands, I was considering Out of Hand, Cold Snap, Wayfarer and even an honourable mention of Hatemail. In the end, when I really sat and thought about it, trawled through my music collection I spotted one and I knew straight away that’s what I was going to write about.

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