Emperors Children Fellblade #3 – Weathering


Whatever I’ve done, I’ve been staring down the barrel of a gun.

This is the final stage in modelling your fellblade or whichever tank you’re following along with, from raw resin straight outta the Forgeworld bags, through a nice neat paint job, and now you’re gonna make it look all messed up and battered.

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The End Times: Nagash

The motherfucker's back!

The motherfucker’s back!

Nagash is back, the dead are rising, daemons are popping out from Lustria to the Worlds Edge Mountains, and Chaos has spewed forth from the North to lay waste to world, both old and new. Winter is indeed coming! As the second installment of The End Times is unleashed, I thought it’s about time I did a promised brief recap of the origins, the return of the mighty ‘Gash and the apocalyptic happenings in the Warhammer world. So strap yourselves in, and prepare for some heavy duty reading, as it’s a sprawling tale

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Into the Infinity of Thoughts – Part One

Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game produced by the Spanish company Corvus Belli that has steadily been building momentum. As it approaches its third edition, N3, which launches at the end of the year, a new starter set, Operation:Icestorm has been launched. For this two part article, Corehammer’s Infinity “veteran” Daniel Duggan, and greenhorn OC talk about their experiences and thoughts with this new boxset and the game as a whole.

Operation Icestorm

The Operation: Icestorm set.

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Unlistenable Racket vol.1 – October 2014

 Hello and welcome to Unlistenable Racket. A new monthly feature where I, Gav Russell, tell you, dear reader , about a bunch of new music that you really should be listening to. For the last 4 years I ran Tight To The Nail; a metal, punk and hardcore webzine that no-one asked for but one that I gave people anyway. But don’t let that put you off. So, let’s begin…

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Borehammer: How to lose friends and alienate people


This photo has no relevance to the content of the article. I just really like Fudge Tunnel

Corehammer was originally intended as an outlet for our ragged band of dungeonpunks to collectively scream into the awning void of cyberspace about our mutual boner for gaming culture and the underground music that fuelled our creative endeavours. Whilst there’s no denying we’ve done well within that remit, I have to be honest that I had envisaged a broader sweep to both elements of our schtick and lately cannot help but feel we’ve come up a little short in that regard.

Whilst not wishing to besmirch the efforts of the other guys, for the most part my contribution to CH has just boiled down to me occasionally ranting on about whatever mainstream hardcore band has caught my attention interspersed with photos and discussion of contemporary Games Workshop armies. Neither of these things inspire me to write with any zeal, passion or regularity. Personally It feels like I have exhausted my muse somewhat and I feel we are in danger of becoming just another Games Workshop obsessed blog. I don’t think that is what any of us ever wanted. At this juncture then, I am forced to consider what I am getting out of all this and what I can actually offer going forward. It would appear that I have reached a crossroads of sorts….. Continue reading

Oath of Moment: Dead And Monochrome

High tide
Wide eyed
Dread in monochrome
Denied in spite
Disliked in monochrome
Panic in their eyes
Dead and monochrome

Well now, that ‘once a month’ thing ain’t quite working out how it should be, but I have been busy, I promise. Check this out.

It turns out that being a lazy bastard and not painting your figures properly (under the pretence that it’s in some way artistic) yields positive results; I’ve cranked out about 75 points of Cryx including two warcasters at a fair old rate of knots.

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Corehammer/PaintXDestroy collabo: Rogue Trader Challenge

image1For this months Single Figure Challenge I decided it was high time we shook it up a bit. When things stay the same for too long stagnation and inertia sets in and I am not having any of that on CH, we are agents of change goddamnit! My plan then, was to start introducing occasional themed challenges into the mix and encourage some experimentation with miniatures outside the realm of the obvious contemporary 40k/WHFB/Warmahordes stuff.

Somewhat fortuitously, our (apparently warp tainted) homie Jake over at PaintxDestroy decided to surprise us with a box of vintage Rogue Trader era 40K figures with the proviso that the crew paint them up and send him pictures of the finished minis. A crossover of sorts then, like the blogging equivalent of the Judgement Night soundtrack. So here’s Part 1 with Part 2 coming as soon as the rest of us quit dicking around and finish our miniatures. HUGE shout out to Jake for donating the minis and kicking us down with some serious grind, good looking out buddy. Also much love and respect to the Oldhammer community for inspiring this months challenge, hopefully the first of many!
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Jagged Visions – Event Horizon


A decaying orbit around Neptune isn’t somewhere you’d want to find yourself with an emotionally unstable physicist in tow.

I’m 17 years old, I’ve just paid to go and see a film that looked for all the world like a cross between Predator and Aliens on a space ship, with a banging soundtrack by the Prodigy. Laurence Fishburne stars, and I’m wandering into the now defunct Arena 7 Cinema at the NYNEX Arena with a pep in my step and an excited smile on my face.

Nothing had prepared me for what I was about to experience.

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