The 7th of September 2014 marks the date of the first EVER Fighting Fantasy Convention. An event solely dedicated to the zealous and joyful celebration of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstones wonderful creation. I have spouted frequently and fondly about my deep and abiding love for these books, the worlds they created and the doors they opened for me and a whole generation of lonely misfits and smart arses who didn’t have enough mates to play Dungeons & Dragons with….
Naturally, upon learning that there was to be a festival dedicated to this much cherished part of my childhood I wasted no time in obtaining a ticket. In keeping with tradition I’ll be rolling lone wolf style to this event (after all, I AM the hero right?), which is probably for the best as I’ll be in full fanboy mode. Regardless, you can look forward to a full and gushing photographic review afterward.
The festival serves a double purpose in that it is also the official book launch for organiser Jonathan Green’s comprehensive labour of love, the Fighting Fantasy retrospective ‘You Are The Hero!’ I have been following the projects progress since its Kickstarter and I am really excited to get my hands on it. You can read about the project HERE
As is only proper, both Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone will be in attendance as guests of honour. They will be joined by a host of other FF luminaries and contributers including legendary fantasy artists Russ Nicholson, Chris Achilleos, Malcolm Barter and Corehammer’s patron saint, the mighty John Blanche, to name but a few.
The order of events during the day has yet to be announced but there will be panels, q & a sessions, games, signings and inevitably some cosplay carry on.Perhaps I can even convince Steve Jackson to phone my Mum up? He might have more success trying to explain to her that the F.I.S.T phone number that appeared with alarming regularity on our phone bill in 1989 was actually an interactive fantasy game and NOT the sexchat line she accused me of calling for hours when she was out of the house!!!
Be sure to add up the Corehammer Instagram and Twitter feeds (both @corehammer) as I’ll be using both to document highlights of the day.
Australian game developers Tin Man Games will also be present, they are the guys behind the awesome Iphone adaptations of the FF books. We featured a review of Forest Of Doom HERE . Arion games who developed the Scorcery! adaptations that we featured HERE will be along for the ride too!
As a build up to the fest we’ll be running some weekly articles related to Fighting Fantasy and it’s associated properties. Some reflections and memories from the rest of the crew, book reviews, an Advanced Fighting Fantasy group sesh with Kev,Boardy, Ager, Connor and myself. And finally we’re proud to be conducting an interview with the architect of the festival, Jonathan Green himself!
With under a month to go tickets are selling out fast and will be only be available for a couple more days, go grab one HERE
Ticket price not only buys you entrance to the festival but also includes and exclusive Adventurer’s Backpack containing ‘unique Fighting Fantasy Fest and YOU ARE THE HERO merchandise, including a limited edition Zagor the Warlock miniature, Fighting Fantasy Gamebook, a Pax Britannia novel by Jonathan Green, the chance to appear in a future Tin Man Games Fighting Fantasy app, and lots more!’
If you aren’t familiar with Fighting Fantasy and want to get your head around what I’m gibbering on about, Andy Capper over at Vice did a boss interview with Steve & Ian a few years back that’s worth a read HERE. Capper’s proper sound, not only is he hip to the genius of Jackson & Livingstone but he made a documentary about Snoop Dogg’s transformation into a bobbins reggae performer that’s on Netflix aalong with a film about a retarded cat called Lil Bub & Friendz that will melt your mind. Seriously, go and look at it now.
So now you know. Keep your eyes peeled, your sword sharp (and your thumb tucked slyly on the corner of the page) for a slew of articles and hearty dose of nostalgia over the coming weeks, it’s going to be quite an adventure!
That sounds like it’ll be an amazing event, really looking forward to reading about it! My partner and I are still trying to make it through Hell House after about 3 years worth of trying!
I’d love to attend, but £55 a ticket is outrageous, even with the bag of tat.
I understand it’s a small fandom, but I think a lot of people will be turned off by the price. I’d stretch to 20 myself, but not more than that.
Yeah it’s a hefty price tag for a convention to be fair, especially once you factor in travel and so on, can see that it might discourage a lot of folk. I’m feeling positive about it and the ticket was a birthday present so I’ll not complain.
Great day out and a very nice limited edition miniature from Otherworld in the free bag.
It really was excellent wasn’t it Claire! Look out for a full review on here coming soon. I checked out some of Otherworlds D&D stuff and was really impressed, treated myself to a few cheeky drow.