Corehammer Single Figure Challenge

Despite the glut of (by my own admission) fascinating articles, reviews and interviews posted on Ye Olde Corehammer this past few months, it pains me to admit that we have been woefully bereft of hobby content.

‘Not enough painted moon men‘ was the cry from the peanut gallery, and who am I to deprive our readership of their bread and butter? So here we have the resurrected Single Figure Challenge.

It’s dead simple right, submit a single figure that you’ve been working on recently to be scrutinised by our readers. The miniature can be from any games system or manufacturer, just send some nice pictures alongside a bit off text telling us a bit about it. Sounds easy doesn’t it! Yeah well you’d be surprised at how hard some folk make this, anyway here’s our entrants. Vote for your favourite in the comments below, winner get’s a £20 Element Games voucher. Crack on. Continue reading

Cold Sleep – Infinity Battle Report

IBR Picture 5

(ITS Infinity battle report in a North England wasteland – written by Ross)

I started my dark path with nerdom playing Heroquest, Space Crusade and reading FF novels with my brother Adam. It wasn’t until I obtained a copy of Tyranid Attack at age 11, that my true journey and on-off love affair with GW commenced. In the 20+ years since then, I’ve worked for GW, been a freelance painter for several other companies and lost my fair share of blood and teeth at HC shows. I’ve also played almost every type of game system that has been around, and that is mainly due to my long time partner in the dark arts – Matt Beech. Just before I set sail to the golden shores of California 6 years ago, Matt introduced me to Infinity and since then, I have never looked back. I love it. The game play, the universe and the whole manga aesthetic. Every time I visit, I make the pilgrimage to spend a weekend gaming with Mr Beech, and since Infinity is always on the cards, this last weekend I had this brilliant idea of doing an old-school battle report, the like of which we all used to know and love in that fabled tome White Dwarf (cue the bashing of GW for dropping them). The main aim of which was to enlighten a wider audience on the exciting game play of Infinity.

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Corehammer Armies – Mark Pearce’s Morat Aggression Force


This gallery contains 6 photos.

Continuing on with the coverage of the Corehammer Facebook group‘s armies, as well as combing the new found love (fad?) for the new edition of Infinity, this time we have Mark Pearce’s Morat Aggression Force. Hey Mark, give us a quick … Continue reading

How to tab pin Infinity miniatures to bases

I’ve recently gotten into Infinity, it’s a game with some gorgeously sculpted models.  The problem is, plenty of these models are in poses which make their connection between feet and base so bad, it makes Strife’s “Angermeans” seem like a masterpiece.  Read on to find out my easy solution to the problem.

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Nomads Hellcat w/ HMG

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