Corehammer presents: The Dark Throne, our first Warhammer 40K Tournament
on Saturday 26th April 2014, at the North West Gaming Centre, Stockport.
Tickets are £10 for 3 games of 1000pt Warhammer 40K, and includes a hot meal.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place, best looking army and wooden spoon
This is a primarily a social day, for hanging out, meeting new people and having a laugh.
There will be a bring and buy from the people at Warmart, and anyone taking part
can have a table to sell stuff that Andy and the guys will run for them.
There will also be people on hand to run demo games of X Wing, Warhammer Fantasy,
Dust Tactics, Hordes/Warmachine and Bolt Action. Details here
Tickets available from our store
Please add a note in PayPal with your army choice
Event pack and details here
Email us at with any queries
EDIT: PLAYER TICKETS FOR THIS EVENT HAVE NOW SOLD OUT. Drop us a line if you want to jump on the reserves list. The Warmart and demo games are open to all though so come and hang.