This is the first in a (hopefully) ongoing series, aimed at pointing dudes in the direction of decent food around the UK. If you are out on tour, or visiting another town for gigs or games, hopefully this might prove useful. Or indeed, if you can drag yourself away from a life of painting overpriced bits of plastic (something I find difficult), you may even be able to find the sustenance that drives your army toward completion.
The other day, it was my birthday, so Mrs Of Nurgle and my good self decided to go and get some Indian food suitable for a lunchtime. So off we trotted to Shoreditch, the now slightly dimming bright centre of the universe, as far as poor fashion sense and overpriced bars are concerned, at least. As some of you may be aware, Shoreditch is the spiritual antithesis of Tony Of Nurgle, and I surely must have failed my Stupidity Test in order to even approach it’s evil borders for the second time in under a month. However, I must have passed my Ward Save, hence I can relate this to you now.
Anyway, I digress… We bestrode the dank streets of East London, putting all to the sword that we encountered. Non were left alive, for all adventurers that dare these bad lands know that it is no act of mercy to leave such pitiful creatures as these alive, draped as they were in such swathes of brightly coloured fabrics and ill-considered facial hair. Who can say what foul sorceries bring about such dire woe as had befallen these poor wretches?
Eventually we reached our goal, the hallowed halls of Dishoom, and after wiping clean our blades, we entered it’s imposing entrance, and were seated in the Verandah area, which contained many fine artefacts and luxuriant furnishings. We were invited thereupon to slake our thirsts, and were awed to find a veritable bounty of non-alcoholic beverages and teas, as well as cocktails, wines and beers.
A young scullion was then kind enough to guide us through the menu, and suggested that we partake of something from the Small Plates section of the menu, along with something from the Grills section, a couple of mains, a rice and a bread. After a brief conference, we decided to go for a mix of veggie stuff, sea food stuff and meat stuff from various parts of the menu.
The first part of our selection to arrive was the signature Dishoom Calamari from the small plates section, that we had ordered at request of Mrs Of Nurgle. Described as “Tiny tender squid, grainy crumb crunch, quick-fried and tossed into a bowl with Dishoom drizzle”, it did not disappoint, which is a relief, as I’m not usually keen on these alien looking morsels. This was well cooked, and did not suffer from the usual rubberyness that can come from overcooking. The Dishoom drizzle seems to be some kind of spice infused oil, both fragrant, tangy and warming. Most pleasant fare. No cause to part the cook’s head from his or her body thus far.
Just as we were finishing the calamari, the rest of food arrived. Next, we had the Paneer Tikka from the Grills part of the menu. Whilst not the best paneer tikka I’ve experienced, and certainly not the most bountiful for the price, it was delicately spiced, and the grilled capsicum peppers complimented the flavour of the cheese well enough. Who knew that capsicums were of the nightshade genus of plants? I did not. I feel almost learned.
Moving on, the first curry main we had chosen the House Black Daal, which according to the menu is simmered for 24 hours. Indeed, it is perhaps the finest daal I have tasted thus far in my 36 years of mauling peasants and slaying trolls. The flavour is incredible, rich and not overly smooth in texture, nice and thick. As the menu had suggested, we had this with the Roomali Roti bread, and it was indeed a fitting accompaniment. We also opted for a Chicken Ruby curry, which in appearance Mrs Of Nurgle described as resembling an “old school ready meal curry” in colour. This thankfully did not taste thus. The chicken was from the richer thigh meat rather than breast, and was lovely and tender. The sauce was rich, well seasoned, and built up a gentle heat. The spice combination was clearly very well considered, and whilst the daal was, I think the dish of the day for me, this ran a close second.
All in all, this was a worthy adventure, and we left with bellies full. The service, although slightly lax was friendly enough, and lo, they were not dismembered, and the building was not put to the torch.
In all seriousness, though, should you find yourself in the Shoreditch region, you can safely give this joint a go. It is also a relatively hipster-free zone, at least on a Monday afternoon at any rate. The only thing to bear in mind is that you may end up wanting to order more stuff, as it’s pretty damn good. It may therefore be worth you checking that there are enough golds before you venture forth.
Tony of Nurgle
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