About two years back (probably at a similar time to when I actually bothered to write something for Corehammer, funnily enough), some friends and I were talking. We’d just been playing a game of Inquisimunda (also known as INQ28). Bit of background for those that don’t know what it is: it’s a narrative style of skirmish gaming at 28mm scale with an element of RPG, and typically revolves around inquisitors and their retinues investigating nefarious happenings in the grim darkness of the far future, with special emphasis on the “grimdark” element. Depending how you want to play, you can utilise a GM, which our little group does on a rotating basis. The system is community created and is largely based on the classic Necromunda rule set (although some people use the 54mm scale Inquisitor rules and perform some really specific technical calculations that make it sound overly cumbersome and doubtless dry as fuck – I mean could they not just divide by 2 and sacrifice a single millimetre? Some people like to take their chosen level of dunce-nerdery to ludicrous extremes, I suppose) with character stats ported over from Warhammer 40k, adapting where necessary in order to ensure characters and weapons are not over or underpowered, for like “balance” purposes and shit. You’ve seen Blanchitsu in White Dwarf, right? Well that’s basically the visual vibe atmosphere we’re talking. Continue reading
Category Archives: Gaming
Keep Rollin, Rollin, Rollin your bases out of green stuff
Things have come a long way since the days of sand painted goblin green when it comes to bases, and every man and his dog are in the scenic bases game these days.
But can you be arsed buying scenic bases for a full Necromunda gang? Probably. A 40k army, a Fantasy Battle army….? Perhaps not.
So what do you do? Make your own.
Weaving a story out of a legend.
It wasn’t an easy ride working the real world Richard Bingham in to a character for an RPG but given the scope allowed within the GURPS system and the (almost) anything goes vibe of the Hellboy universe, I managed to get him to look and feel how I wanted with a bit of help from Boardie and Agers giant metallic bats. Couldn’t have done it without them.
So first up, how does he look? Well, pretty much like he did when he dissapeared on 7th November 1974, sharp suit, strong moustache game, expensive shoes, you see, in this game Binghams immortal, another throw back to Dexter Ward or even Dorian Grey. So how?
“Wrote for Luck” Connor on creating Damus Nostre
I had a chat with my lad Connor about his BPRD pointman character “Damus Nostre” and taking him from a loose concept to a fully formed RPG character….
One of the things I enjoy most about roleplaying games is converting my ideas for a character onto my uncontaminated sheet of A4 paper and, with this being a BRPD game, the only limits the player has when creating their character is their imagination….although this is apparently somewhat limited in my case!
In my mind one of the things that makes the Hellboy universe fun is the concoction of the occult and the links to the real world, and I really wanted my character to embody that heady mix of influences. Like The Happy Mondays I wanted to blend lad rock (the investigation aspect of BPRD) with house music (those esoteric tendril MM has running through his world). As the rest of the party had somewhat normal human looking characters I took the opportunity to be the dick head of the group by combining influences from 16th century Europe and modern day doomsday cults and conspiracy theories. Continue reading
The Slugbait Rumor Mill and Other Stories
The start of my true love affair with miniature wargaming started with this box.
In 1994 I was part owner of a gaming store with some older, more mature, gaming friends of mine. I was in my early 20’s and playing in a straight edge hardcore punk band called, Halfmast. We were an unlikely group of game store owners: a chemical engineer (our chief investor), a mid-sized retail chain store manager, one of his employees, and myself – an irresponsible punk rocker. We opened the store on the tails of the first big wave of Magic: The Gathering hype. With all of the money we made selling M:TG in our first 6 months we had paid off the chemical engineer’s investment and had a pile of cash `to be invested into another game line. The distributors were pushing a game called Warhammer really hard, and we threw our all of our nested profit into it. Then we did it again with 40K. I started an army for both systems but didn’t fully fall in love with either until a new game dropped called, Necromunda…. Continue reading
World Of Ruin – 5 Classic Cyberpunk Video Games
An ode to the Rue Jules Verne
Distorted Japanese neon signs, reflected in the pooling rain on a Shinjuku sidewalk. High tech low lives, mirror shades, cyberspace decks, smart drugs, riding on light, neural data jacks, androids, replicants & and the infinite possibilities of technology. This was the future I signed up for and it was glorious.
“Fist of the North” Dungeonpunx do Hellboy
Creating a basic RPG player character (PC) is something that people find pretty simple…..the problem comes when you try and elevate the PC from a list of stats and skills on a piece of paper into a living breathing actual “character”. In this series we are going to look at the process we went through to get characters for our newest campaign from the stats into real life.
If you have been listening the dungeonpunx podcast over the past few episodes you will be aware of our change from our normal DnD game Nathan was running to a game based in the “Hellboy” universe created by Mike Mignola back in 1993. Ager has been running a campaign using ”Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game” a system published by Steve Jackson Games…..(no not that Steve Jackson…..the other Steve Jackson) which is powered by GURPS 3rd edition.
Continue reading
Freyja’s Wrath – Interview With Bad Squiddo
Bad Squiddo Games, not content to rest with its already heaving catalogue of practically attired female ass kickers, has launched a new Kickstarter – Freyja’s Wrath. Complete with Shieldmaidens, axe wielding warrior women, and Goddess Hel herself.
You want to know more about that? Of course you do. I had a chat with Annie, head mistress of Bad Squiddo, about her mission, motivation, and of course – her maidens. Enjoy.
The Reluctant DM – 5 miniature companies for D&D
With the current interest in table top RPG’s at a new peak, we thought it high time that we launched our Dungeonunx section of the blog. Regular listeners to our podcast will dubtless be aware that the crew loves to role play. D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Gurps, Advaonced Fighting Fantasy..we’ll give owt a try. Indeed the DXP crew grows stronger and more productive by the day. Last week Boardy dropped his first Real Play podcast under the DXP banner. He’s GM’ing through a Shadowrun campaign with the Salford chapter. It’s a first effort so it’s a bit rough around the edges and the levels are a touch off but stick with it, the pods a great listen. DXP Real Play is going to be an ongoing thing, consider it a supplement to the regular Dungeonpunx pod if you will. Tune in HERE to get your head around Shadowrun and meet the crew…..
And so to business. We are gonna give you the nuts and bolts required for new players/DM’s to get their teeth into RPG’ing. Depending on how you come to RPG’s you’re gonna want different things. Some people are happy playing in what is called The Theatre Of The Mind, whilst others have a very real need for tangible props and miniatures to help them visualise what’s taking place in the game. It’s important to try and immerse yourself in the game. With some investment you’ll you’ll find you get way more out of the experience and the whole thing becomes a lot more fun and intense!
If you’re coming to RPG”S from Wargaming like most of the DxP guys were, then one of the easiest ways to transition into a new gaming “discipline” is by finding familiar things within that game to relate to. In this instance miniatures upon the table provided the necessary sweetener to put my players a bit more at ease. Now as things progress you may find the need for miniatures becomes less of a requirement. As players get more comfortable with their characters and with the idea of roleplaying, often the miniatures can seem like unnecessary distraction.
But for those amongst us who thrill to the sight of a tabletop full of painted minis but don’t know where to start I’ve provided this quick guide to some of the most immediately accessible and useful manufacturers for your games!
Bad Squiddo _ Annie Norman runs Bad Squiddo games outta South Wales and despite her perpetual cold she gets a lot of props from us here at the ‘hammer. Annie is your go to gal for female miniatures of the sensible/functional variety. No chain mail bikinis or slut drops here, rather a selection of excellent miniatures that will bring character to any RPG session. Not only does she carry stock from all reputable manufacturers but she’s also dipping into the mini game herself. Have a browse of her Freya’s Wrath Kickstarter right here then check out her store HERE, her mail order quickness is second to none.
Oathsworn Minis
Diehard Miniatures
The aesthetic sensibilities of Diehard’s broad range will strike a chord with anyone lucky enough to have been a kid into gaming in the 80’s.