Talk: Dave O’ War from The Dwellers Below


Warhammer podcasts have become my commuting soundtrack, despite not even playing the game for 14 years now, as they entertain me and keep me from going Falling Down on the way to work. The rowdier the better, and our Australian friends, The Dwellers Below, are good at that. Recently, they’ve upped the stakes and started dropping some sweet metal tracks in the breaks too, with the mighty Electric Wizard being the highlight. So, we got Dave O ‘War to share his thoughts with us.

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Hobby goals for 2015

Now that's what I call a Pile Of Shame™

Now that’s what I call a Pile Of Shame™

At the start of the year, we all make ambitious plans for multiple armies and to check out all the new hot games, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. Real life, work, family, stress, can’t be arsed, you name it, there’s always a hobby killer. So, without berating the crew for what they didn’t do in 2014, let’s see what plans we have.

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A visitor’s guide to Manchester


For such a grubby city, it does look nice from high up.

Manchester, birthplace of the industrial revolution, a city crisscrossed by canals and Victorian architecture, still proudly demonstrating to those who know where to look, the importance of this fair city in the development of the United Kingdom. While not known today for its factories or its mills, it’s still a grand city, and if you find yourself passing through, chances are you might want to check out some of the following establishments, maybe to pick up some modelling supplies, a new comic for the journey home, or that elusive miniature you can’t get in your home town

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Battle Mats #1 – Deep Cut Studios

So many of us will have fond memories of images just like this.

It’s been a long time since bases were all painted Goblin Green and you played your games on a slice of green felt rolled out on your dining table, things have moved on. Quite a bit.

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The Long War, Painted Models V Unpainted.

Picture if you will the scene, me and John are setting up our, admittedly very purple, armies on a nicely laid out table at our local gaming centre. Its shaping up to be a fun, cinematic experience with some cool scenery, painted models and good laughs.


Tabled, John lost 0 units either thanks to my cursed dice skills.

Setting up next to us is a kid with a Forgeworld army of bare half built resin models, his opponent rocks up and unloads a pile of space marines that have been sprayed with some sort of red car paint, bases and all, as well as a storm raven. I say a storm raven, but this is 3/4 of a Storm Raven, there’s no doors, no weapons, its essentially an empty shell again sprayed in red car paint.

I was almost sick in my mouth.

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Operation Overlord – Bolt Action Tournament Report


One of many sweet armies being played on the day.

On the morning of Saturday 30th August 2013, in a small market town in the Midlands, only really known as the home town of Ricky from Eastenders, an epic operation of military might took place. Little would the workers at Orbital Tyres know, that the unassuming Scout hut behind their workshop would be the beginning of the end of World War II… in 28mm.

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Welcome to Normandy – Quick Guide to Bolt Action for New Players


Charlie’s Luch & Stug chilling out in Normandy… my living room floor

If you read this blog on the regular, you may have seen my coverage of the Warlord Games Day last month, which pretty much turned out to be a love letter to the company and their runaway success, Bolt Action. Well I’ve been preaching to the Corehammer guys for long enough about why they should be getting involved, I thought I would expand on my congregation and chirp on at you guys too.
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Warlord Games Open Day 2013

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Chilli – The original Gamer WAG

On 27th July, myself, Corehammer compatriot Charlie B and my girlfriend Chilli (Gamer WAG?) traveled up to Nottingham for the first Warlord Games Open Day (held in a ballroom next to their workshops). For those of you who don’t know (and I’ll assume you don’t) Warlord is a games company that until recently has had a focus on 28mm Historical games (more on this later) who as well as create their own games, also produce their own resin and metal minis in house.

So as a bit of a primer, here is a quick run down of the released Warlord Games: Continue reading

Boldly going where everyone’s been before. Dipping miniatures, or not.


This must be what its like being a time traveller, or someone frozen in the past, waking up to find the world changed beyond recognition, dazzling skylines as far as the eye can see, wondrous technology, making life both richer and easier, feeling your head is actually going to explode with all the new data being pumped in to it by all senses.

What am I on about? The technological advances in miniature painting during my 15 year hiatus, that’s what. I’m consistently being blown away with new shit, the now ubiquitous air bush, the mind bending colour theory on show, using household products to weather and age your models, all this has come to pass, and I’m still of the opinion that thinning ones paints is the pinnacle of technological advancement.sesame street bounce house

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