Oath of Moment – Bad Moons part 2

Bad moons army

It’s starting to look like a real army now.

My previous update focused on the troops component of my 40K Bad Moon army so far. I cheated slightly in that a lot of them were units I mostly painted last year, then added a few extra guys. This time, I’m going to get into the slightly more snazzy stuff, all of which, I can assure you, has been 100% completed since I started this project.

Bad moon lootas

I hate youuuuu.

The lootas were almost responsible for completely torpedoing my enthusiasm for getting this army painted. I picked them up because they seemed like a good choice for the army, both rules-wise and fluff-wise, despite not particularly caring for the models (although I think they’re improved – from both a visual and practical standpoint – by popping them on 32mm bases), and I’ve definitely learned a lesson from that; from here on in, it’s purely models I like and am enthused about painting, regardless of their potential effectiveness. My attitude towards them soured further when I discovered what an absolute bugger they were to paint and assemble, two processes that had to happen in weird, overlapping stages because of how fiddly it would have been to paint them all in one piece. I think my mistake was assuming I’d be able to chuck them together and paint them as easily and quickly as regular boyz, meaning I got frustrated and impatient with them when that turned out not to be the case.

Because of my lack of interest in these guys, I’d initially painted them to a the absolute bare minimum standard I could stomach, based them, then kind of ignored them since the latter part of last year. When I was painting my big mek in January (more on which below) I decided, having got my head around what went wrong previously, to try and tart them up a bit. They were a bit more enjoyable once I’d initiated the necessary adjustment of attitude, and I’m reasonably happy with how they turned out with a bit of extra attention lavished on them. I can’t see myself looking to expand this unit in a hurry, though.

My first proper introduction to the 40K universe’s Orks was via White Dwarf 134 ,which contained rules for Ork mobs in Space Crusade and the feature on, and painting guide for, Andy Chambers’ first iteration of Waaagh! Ghazghkull. And ever since digging into that, and subsequently the colossal, bonkers 1st-edition Ork army books, the Bad Moons have been my main guys. (Seeing the pointy-hat-sporting Bad Moon models, from that very WD article, at the Corehammer Christmas Chiller was my own personal highlight amongst the onslaught of nostalgia the cabinets at Foundry subjected me to.)

It seems that since the start of my time away, when the shooty yellow guys were very much supporting cast to the dour, assault-focussed Goffs, the Bad Moons have had something of a reversal of fortunes and become the poster boys for the GW Ork range. However, I’m not really too keen on the way they’ve approached the paint jobs on the official materials; it seems to be a case of painting any available surface yellow – what always appealed to me about the colour scheme was the combination of the yellow with a darker colour, and I feel like there’s not nearly enough contrast, in terms of colour or hue, with a lot of what I’ve seen via official GW channels. In addition, everything looks too clean – skating a bit too close to the gleaming, primary-coloured 90s aesthetic for my liking.

Bad Moon nobz in mega armour

I’ve literally just realised I haven’t finished off the teeth on that guy’s banner pole. Rats.

As such, I wanted to paint up my mega-armoured nobz in a way that I found both more appealing, and more realistic (as much as an 8-foot, semi-robotic, fungus-based space monster can be deemed “realistic”), than the Tonka-truck vibe given off by GW’s take on the models (although I’m still far from convinced this vibe isn’t exaggerated further by the new, plastic kit – I limited myself to adding a few accessories from that kit to my existing, old-school metal versions). I’m pretty chuffed with how these guys came out – I think the yellow is sparing enough to provide some nice contrast with the grimy metal and darker armour plates. I’ve still got a few more of these knocking about, unassembled, so I’ll probably paint a couple more to add to the mob. I feel like one carrying an enormous banner might be nice.

Bad Moon big mek with shokk attack gun

Nice to have you back, pal.

For me, the Shokk Attack Gun was the ultimate encapsulation of the orks’ propensity for daft weaponry that could mess people up in a variety of hilariously unpleasant, and unpredictable, ways, and was a staple of most of my 2nd-edition 40K experiences. This meant I was delighted to see, upon returning to this army, that it had made a comeback. I was less delighted, however, to see the face on the new sculpt, which just looks super-goofy. Initially, I was contemplating a fairly elaborate kitbash for this model but, since I already have a converted warboss in the pipeline, I thought I’d just get an HQ out of the way and expedite the completion of a playable army. As such, I just stuck to a simple headswap, using the one from the plastic mega-armour kit.

I’ve a few more bits on the spreadsheet for the orks (63% competed at the moment, stats-fans), but I think this seems like a good point to give myself a break from them for a bit – I have a fully-painted, if small, army and Duggan’s offered to pop round soon and ease me into 40K’s latest ruleset. Also, I need to get cracking with my Frostgrave chaps so they’re ready in time for the forthcoming CH tournament.

To close out, here’s how The Spreadsheet’s looking.

Screen shot 2016-03-20 at 16.36.12

Not too bad, so far. If I can keep this up I’ll be well ahead, but I have a feeling I’ll be hitting a few speedbump models once I’ve exhausted all the easy options. Looking at you, mountain of Space Hulk Genestealers…

Oath of Moment – Bad Moons part 1

Since starting up on OoM towards the end of January, I’ve made some fair progress with the first stage of this plan – to finish off the bulk of the figures that I’d started painting over the course of 2015 but, for assorted reasons, fell by the wayside before they were completed.

Most of the models that fell into this category were bits and bobs of the 40K Bad Moon Ork army I initially started putting together way back in the days of 3rd and 4th edition, and I’d set about sprucing up and updating last year, following a decade-long break from the hobby. Also, several were additional members to add to units I painted the bulk of in 2015, so my first couple of  update posts seemed like a good opportunity to show off the army so far, and share some thoughts regarding what’s changed since I was last having a crack at it.

This time round, I’m going to concentrate on the Troops choices – these were always what served in the past as the biggest stumbling block to me in terms of staying disciplined about completing an army. I’m pretty pleased with having overcome this to a sufficient extent to have well in excess of the bare minimum requirement.


Bad Moon shoota boy

This is the only guy in the mob entirely composed of post-2005 bitz, I think.

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Oath of Moment – taking stock of what I can do in a year


The beginnings of the horde – what I managed of the Orks last year. Three completed units, and a few friendless test models. The latter’s mates are some of the guys I’ll be cracking into imminently.

Towards the tail end of 2014, I came back to the “painting and playing games with little toy men” hobby, after a break of about ten years. I’d previously worked up at GW head office in Nottingham, and upon leaving that job and moving to London, a combination of factors meant I just kind of drifted away from hobby stuff. However, the 4th Edition of Space Hulk sucked me back in. Not long after that, I stumbled across Corehammer, which was very encouraging in terms of discovering people out there approaching things in a way that appealed to me, rather than the relentless tide of tedium and negativity which seems to comprise the majority of internet discourse surrounding tabletop gaming.

In my year or so back astride the Hobby horse, a couple of things happened. First, without the constant bombardment of new stuff (at GW staff discount), and with more limited hobby time available, I became a bit more disciplined about actually finishing off painting projects. Second, in spite of the former point, I still managed to amass myself a reasonably-sized Pile Of Shame™. (There is an entirely different PoS™, consisting of the majority of the stuff I amassed in my time as a GW employee, sitting in the loft of my parents’ home, but that’s another pile for another time).
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