My original oath of moment was to make some headway into my Word Bearers going into 2015, and that continued nicely into 2016 with a load of new units, with more being added fairly regularly. I’ll do an update on how that’s going in a few weeks having re-appropriated a few units from the old III Legion army. Continue reading
Category Archives: Oath Of Moment
Oath of Moment – Bad Moons part 1
Since starting up on OoM towards the end of January, I’ve made some fair progress with the first stage of this plan – to finish off the bulk of the figures that I’d started painting over the course of 2015 but, for assorted reasons, fell by the wayside before they were completed.
Most of the models that fell into this category were bits and bobs of the 40K Bad Moon Ork army I initially started putting together way back in the days of 3rd and 4th edition, and I’d set about sprucing up and updating last year, following a decade-long break from the hobby. Also, several were additional members to add to units I painted the bulk of in 2015, so my first couple of update posts seemed like a good opportunity to show off the army so far, and share some thoughts regarding what’s changed since I was last having a crack at it.
This time round, I’m going to concentrate on the Troops choices – these were always what served in the past as the biggest stumbling block to me in terms of staying disciplined about completing an army. I’m pretty pleased with having overcome this to a sufficient extent to have well in excess of the bare minimum requirement.
Oath of Moment – taking stock of what I can do in a year
Towards the tail end of 2014, I came back to the “painting and playing games with little toy men” hobby, after a break of about ten years. I’d previously worked up at GW head office in Nottingham, and upon leaving that job and moving to London, a combination of factors meant I just kind of drifted away from hobby stuff. However, the 4th Edition of Space Hulk sucked me back in. Not long after that, I stumbled across Corehammer, which was very encouraging in terms of discovering people out there approaching things in a way that appealed to me, rather than the relentless tide of tedium and negativity which seems to comprise the majority of internet discourse surrounding tabletop gaming.
In my year or so back astride the Hobby horse, a couple of things happened. First, without the constant bombardment of new stuff (at GW staff discount), and with more limited hobby time available, I became a bit more disciplined about actually finishing off painting projects. Second, in spite of the former point, I still managed to amass myself a reasonably-sized Pile Of Shame™. (There is an entirely different PoS™, consisting of the majority of the stuff I amassed in my time as a GW employee, sitting in the loft of my parents’ home, but that’s another pile for another time).
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Oath of Moment – Word Bearers
Oath of Moment: Anvil of War
My name is Tanya and I have a bucketload of shame. I have many models, shelves full of them, but almost nothing is painted. I know, I’m a monster. As someone who doesn’t play tournaments and barely gets to play due to living in a relatively isolated community, painting has always taken a backseat to my other nerdy endeavours. I’m also a very relaxed gamer; I love to play but I do not care if my opponent needs to proxy some stuff, or his/her models also aren’t painted, and certainly I don’t care if marines are in mix and match power armour. Seriously, let’s just play! I’m a busy woman: I am training to play my first roller derby game, I am a full time pawn broker, and I have other hobbies too(like RPG night once a week, and squeezing video and board games in every once in awhile). That being said, I want to work on painting more in 2016.
2016 Oath Of Moment Challenge aka My Yearly Attempt To Eat My Hat
Over the past couple of years we’ve developed a bit of a Corehammer tradition that we like to call The Oath Of Moment. At the dawn of each new year we take stock of our respective piles of shame. With sober and unclouded eyes the participants in this cleansing ritual swear a solemn vow to make a significant dent in reducing said pile. More often than not these well intentioned boasts of change and progress fall to the wayside by March but for some amongst our number these Oath’s have motivated some serious hobby development. Continue reading
Oath of Moment: Grey Knights – Part 2
“One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness,
One final blade, forged in defiance of fate.
Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered,
And my final gift to the species I failed.”
– Inscription upon the Arcus Daemonica,
attributed to the Emperor of Mankind.
Before starting this, I looked at my previous Oath Of Moment article… dated June 2014… bollocks. Despite the best of intentions I haven’t written any regular updates even though I have been chipping away at painting the army over the past year and a half.
So what started as a small army to pass some time has spiraled into 2000+ points, which I’m actually totally chuffed about. It’s my first good sized army and also the first fully painted army I’ve ever owned. It’s a nice feeling being able to throw down a selection of stuff and try some different things in games.
Oath of Moment – Daemons of Nurgle Part 2
Quite some time ago (14th July 2014), I made an initial post about my Daemons of Nurgle project. Obviously, the moon has waxed and waned many times since. I’m happy to say, that they are finally finished (for now – everybody knows armies are never finished). In fact they were finished a while ago.
Oath Of Moment: Iron Warriors (Part 2)
“Tell them ruin has come to their world. Death, despair and red war. Tell them their hopes and pride have come to nothing. Tell them their empty whispers fall upon deaf ears – their gods are dead, human reason has killed them. Tell them the Angels of Death have come. Tell them nothing can save them now.”
— Perturabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors Legion
After getting 1000 points’ worth of Iron Warriors’ 77th Grand Company done for The Dark Throne back in April (see here), I’ve been slowly adding to it over the year, with a couple of Rhinos for my troops to help them get across the board better, a Land Raider to deliver my Terminator Lord and Trident into the enemy lines without relying on the fickle reserves/deep-strike fate, and lastly a tooled up Daemon Prince. As always, drybrushing and plenty of dirty washes have been my friend, and the long-term goal is to go back to everything and highlight a few more steps.
Oath Of Moment Part 3: The Wolves Of Terra
Despite my recent rantings and ravings regarding my mixed feelings towards 40K, GW and tabletop gaming in general, I still wanted to get this project finished. I have been titting about with it for a couple of years now and considering the number of decades I have been associated with the hobby, I am ashamed to say I have never had a 100% completed army. So with themodest aim of having a 1000 points worth of Wolves ready by Dark Throne accomplished, I felt somewhat bolstered to move forward with my army and add some more units. In the wake of the recent unleashing of 40K 7th Edition came a new Codex for the Space Wolves. Whilst the prospect of new toys is always exciting, I couldn’t really justify buying a load of new shit whilst I still had a pile of bare plastic to wade through.
As it turned out the new Space Wolf stuff was, by and large, a bunch of utter shit, which saved me forking out. Result. However the pile of shame was still lurking in my loft like the unspoken family secret so I set about working on a small project within a project by using up all the various bits and pieces that I’ve accumulated over the last 18 months. I suppose its a bit like when you’ve got a big shop due and you have to make meals out of whatever dry old pasta and tins of mixed beans you’ve got lingering in the cupboards. With that approach in mind I set about my new project with renewed zeal: The Wolves Of Terra.
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