The SCGT 2014 is finally here, and just before we set off on our road trip to the South coast, I thought I would share some pictures of our completed armies, now they are ready for the tournament. First up is Gaz’s amazing looking Vampire Counts army that he has painted in under a months time just to get it sorted for the weekend’s festivities. Massive props go to Gaz for the amount of hobby time he has managed to squeeze in to get this army looking Fresh-ly dead, and ready to roll on such a tight time schedule. Enjoy!
For my army entry to SCGT I had to tweak my usual Skaven army to contain a lot more skirmishing units, as well as creating a brand new Warp Lightning Cannon. A lot of time was spent getting these all tournament legal, but I am happy with the army overall, even with my lack of painting ability.
So that’s both armies done and ready for our first Corehammer showing to SCGT. Gaz drove down to mine yesterday from the North, and after some terrain prep, managed to get a practice game in against fellow Corehammer Chump, Stevie Boxall, with his Ogre Kingdoms army.
After beating Boxall’s Ogres, Gaz is now sitting pretty on 7/7 wins in his SCGT practice games. Let’s see if we can match that with 7/7 losses once he plays myself and all his tournament games over the weekend!
Remember to follow our antics on the Twitters @Drats_hammer , @MunkyManGaz and @Corehammer , and also on Instagram using the #SCGT2014 hashtag. Also, if you’re at the event, come over and say hello to us noobies in the Corehammer T-shirts (Grey ones most likely).
If nothing else, that Vampire army looks stonking. Not sure what I like best; the dry ice, the crawling Terrorgheist, the Corpse Cart on the cobbles or the custom Watchtower (he’s not running Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress, is he? o.o).
I hope you’ll put the lists up and go through them at some point when you’re back. Have fun!