Corehammer/PaintXDestroy collabo: Rogue Trader Challenge

image1For this months Single Figure Challenge I decided it was high time we shook it up a bit. When things stay the same for too long stagnation and inertia sets in and I am not having any of that on CH, we are agents of change goddamnit! My plan then, was to start introducing occasional themed challenges into the mix and encourage some experimentation with miniatures outside the realm of the obvious contemporary 40k/WHFB/Warmahordes stuff.

Somewhat fortuitously, our (apparently warp tainted) homie Jake over at PaintxDestroy decided to surprise us with a box of vintage Rogue Trader era 40K figures with the proviso that the crew paint them up and send him pictures of the finished minis. A crossover of sorts then, like the blogging equivalent of the Judgement Night soundtrack. So here’s Part 1 with Part 2 coming as soon as the rest of us quit dicking around and finish our miniatures. HUGE shout out to Jake for donating the minis and kicking us down with some serious grind, good looking out buddy. Also much love and respect to the Oldhammer community for inspiring this months challenge, hopefully the first of many!
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Corehammer Armies: Dale Sibley’s 13th Company Space Wolves

Our Dark Throne tournament back in April was a pleasing experience on a number of levels, the most important of which was that it provided a meeting point for our little community to come together and socialize like functioning humans. To break bread, share a few laughs and roll some dice with like minded souls. The broad cross section of people who showed up and got down to it demonstrating some actual unity would have made Rick Ta Life’s heart swell with pride. Crusties, moshers, noobs, edgemen, thrashers, rippers and hessians all hanging out and getting along. But it wasn’t just washed up old farts in their mid 30’s playing though, oh no, the youth turned up too, including a solid crew of coremen from Chester. Dale Sibley was amongst them and despite not having it all his own way in the games (his Tau took a bit of a hiding) it was a pleasure to have him and his boys join us for the day. Dale recently posted some pictures of his 13th Company Space Wolves up on Instagram and given that I play 13th too, I figured it’d be a good opportunity to shoot him some questions to find out what he had to say for himself! Continue reading