Lords Of Waterdeep Review


Squad goals – Box art for Lords Of Waterdeep


So when I was first into this kind of stuff I never really fucked with board games, I stuck to Games Workshop stuff for the most part and Dungeons and Dragons. I didn’t really see the merit in a game where you hadn’t funnelled hours of work into building an army and painting it up or having your own narrative/fluff involved. It’s only really since I came back into it I’ve seen the merit of dropping 50 bar or less on a game, spending 20 minutes flipping through a short rulebook and then get cracking, and being done with a game in an hour or so. How else are people supposed to catch up on what’s popping off in the group chat about Bake Off or what kind of curry Mark had for his tea without that kind of convinience? In absolute honesty me and my brother picked this game up like 3 years ago or so now so this review could have been on here sooner. Nate’s latest push to action made me think it was probably a good idea to actually type up bunch of article ides instead of doing fuck all about them. He can be very motivating both in and out of the geography classroom.
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Fear Of the Dark(e) – The Legend Of Drizzt Audiobook Review

TLOD coverMy man Darke at Atonement Records throws in a guest review of the new D&D audiobook series, serialized as free downloads from Tor and narrated by a bizarre selection of celebrities from David Duchovny to uhhhh Ice-T??.

Despite being an unrepentant Morning Again apologist, the lad knows his way around a fantasy realm or two so he’s always welcome to spout off here. Follow the Patrick Bateman of UKHC on Twitter @Atonement666 for insightful metal talk, 80’s yuppie obsession & occasional cynicism. Over to Darke for the review then……

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