A Tale Of Gamers


For our first sequence of ongoing articles we imaginatively elected to go with that stalwart of gaming blogs and White Dwarf when it was sweet, The Tale Of Gamers. I’m sure you’re already familiar with the very simple premise, but for the greenshoots and morbidly curious voyeurs amongst you, the plan is to chronicle and mock the (lack of) progress of a handful of traditionally WH40K players from the Corehammer mailing list taking the tentative steps back towards the grim world of Warhammer Fantasy Battle.

For the purposes of this blog we opted for small 500 point armies purely for the feasibility of actually completing the project without sucking too much cash, time & effort away from our 40K priorities. The ultimate goal for this project is to have the armies ready by August, head down to Warhammer World in Nottingham for a meet up and blast a round robin tournament. With the victor not just reveling in the scornful adulation of his peers but also getting his curry paid for after. These things are important. Now, I realise that 500 points might not sound like much of an effort for some of you big cheese players out there, but I am only too painfully aware of my own limitations when it comes to finishing the job and with a smaller amount of models there’s far less chance of me tossing it off or getting distracted by something else, dig?

Over the course of the next few months you’ll begin to see posts gradually popping up on here from all the chaps involved, introducing themselves and documenting their developing armies. Fortune and glory (or at the very least, a begrudging curry) awaits!

The Beginning Of The End – White Dwarf 194

There’s not much I remember from 1996, I was 10 – I remember quite a lot about Euro ’96 and England getting knocked out, I’m pretty sure I cried. I can just about remember not sleeping a whole night at a friends birthday party due to playing Tekken and watching Stephen Kings ‘It’ then falling asleep into my dinner the next day. Finally for my birthday I got ‘Dizzy Heights’ by Lightning Seeds – absolutely shite.

The event I most clearly remember doing is buying my first copy of White Dwarf from the newsagents in our village – a few of the older lads in my street (all of them actually) played Warhammer 40k to various levels so it made sense that I start myself to avoid getting my head kicked in. I was shit at football even though I loved playing it so this was my first real introduction to something that kids were interested in that wasn’t football or video games.

In this article I’m going to talk you through some of my favourite parts of this issue and why it drew me into the Warhammer universe so far I’m still here 16 years later. FYI that most of it will be nonsense and is not exactly an in depth analysis of the issue.

WD Cover 194

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