Beneath the plains of Diffeth lies the ruined Dwarfen Hold of Dolgarth. Buried deep is the Tome of Valandor – the purest source of magical knowledge that has ever existed. It has been protected for centuries, but it has now fallen into the hands of evil…
So incase you didn’t hear, Mantic continues their blitzkrieg of Kickstarter by funding their new table top game in 4 minutes. Pretty impressive, then on top of that completing their next two stretch goals and at the time of writing, just on the verge of surpassing their third.
So what it is Dungeon Saga? Well it’s a table top dungeon crawler in the vein of games we’ve all grew up with like HeroQuest and the recent classic Descent. With last year’s announcement of the 25th Anniversary Edition of HeroQuest, a lot of Corehammer heads were eying up the pledge button over on the Kickstarter site, well until the plug was well and truly pulled. Add to the mix the many people given bad necks from looking at their tablets playing Warhammer Quest on commuter trains up and down the country, the omens tell that it’s time for Mantic to put their spin on the dungeon crawler genre.outdoor inflatable slip slide
So in the words of Kai, the community manager over at Mantic:
It centres around the classic struggle between a party of heroes and the forces of darkness, represented by the Undead. One player takes on the mantle of the Necromancer and controls his evil host, whilst up to four other players can lead the mighty heroes on their adventure.
The game contains coloured plastic miniatures and full colour, modular dungeon tiles ready to use right out of the box. No assembly is required.
Whether you’re a veteran of the dungeon genre or you’re simply looking for a great game to play with the kids, Dungeon Saga has something for everyone!
This Kickstarter is very simple – we’re starting with one great value Pledge Level to make it really easy to get involved. It’s called Dungeon Master and is available for $100. It includes everything in the graphic below.
So for your hard earned coin, you get quite a bit for $100 (thats about £60-ish), everything you need to play the game and to make it look cool (dungeon furniture being a nice touch) as well as a copy of the advanced rule set. With all of Mantic’s Kickstarter campaigns, they are pretty happy to throw in a load of extra stretch goal bonuses, in this case new characters as well as bosses and extra minions to crush, the ghost sculpts look particularly cool.
So if this is tickling that nostalgia sweet spot you can find out more by venturing into darkness or if you are scared of the dark, Ronnie has a little chat about it here and the Mantic Podcast have a chat with Jake Thornton. Alternatively click the Kickstarter graphic below, hit that up and get involved.