Freyja’s Wrath – Interview With Bad Squiddo

Bad Squiddo Games, not content to rest with its already heaving catalogue of practically attired female ass kickers, has launched a new Kickstarter – Freyja’s Wrath. Complete with Shieldmaidens, axe wielding warrior women, and Goddess Hel herself.

You want to know more about that? Of course you do. I had a chat with Annie, head mistress of Bad Squiddo, about her mission, motivation, and of course – her maidens. Enjoy.

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January Kickstarter Round Up

Once again, I am going to bravely wade into the festering swamp that is Kickstarter and pull out a few shining nuggets of pure gaming gold.

First up a little gaming mat that’s cheap as hell:

SubF-X Gaming Mats


The second gaming mat Kickstarter from Ceri Designs, he returns a lot tighter with a more focused campaign. Last time was a similar deal £19 for a 3’ by 3’ full colour gaming mat. Great value, these are felt and through some sort of magic have really colourful designs on them. I got one of his last ones for X-Wing and its really bright and clear and at that price, you can’t really argue! This time the focus is on mats for a little game you might have heard of called Guildball. Last time he was quick as hell to get product out and didn’t over promise, a great way to run a campaign. He’s also really receptive to ideas, so if you don’t fancy Guildball (but you should) let him know what else you like and see what he can do.

Representation is Corehammer’s word of the week, so this project is right up our collective alley: Continue reading

The Shattered Crown – A new game from the makers of Across The Dead Earth


Across The Dead Earth was a really exciting little project that brought the post-apocalyptic aesthetic to a UK setting. Offering gamers from our small island a chance to experience the now familiar setting in a context that’s known to them. There is a certain exhilaration to playing a game based on a locale that is familiar to you. I recall playing Cthulhu game set in 80’s Liverpool and just hearing the names of streets I knew did wonders for my suspension of disbelief and immersion.

The game itself seems cool enough. A nice fast paced skirmish game that you can dip in and out of without the massive cash and time investment of many modern war games. This is a big selling point and it is something that seems to be continuing with Rich Chappell’s newest project The Shattered Crown.

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WarGames – A new wargaming store that does what all stores SHOULD.

Just when I was starting to feel crushed under the weight of disappointing Kickstarters… along comes Martin McNeil. The WarGames project is as ambitious as it is appealing. I’ve always wondered about the business practices of wargaming / hobby based stores. Loving Space Marines may well allow you to start a business that permeates passion for the hobby, but that is not enough to make an organisation a success. Continue reading

The Twelve Elements of War: Kickstarter Hype

12 Elements KS

 Kickstarter is pretty much the defined path these days to get your shit out there. So what makes The Twelve Elements of War any different from any other game out there? It’s based in a Fantasy setting, it’s got Dwarves, Halflings, Trolls, Elves, so nothing new there then. It’s got leather clad warrior women with their….no its got leather clad warrior women who look like they’re going to kick the shit out of you. So that’s one stereotype disposed of then. So all the factions are split into races then, right? Nah mate, it’s all about guilds and clandestine groups, we’re talking fantasy Special Ops here, or at the very least the Dirty Dozen. Oh and if there’s any doubts about the models, check out the Faun.

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Kickstart My Heart – Across The Dead Earth

Just a little heads up, there’s a Kickstarter for a skirmish game from one of the dudes on the CH Facebook group that’s entering its final week of pledges. It’s already met the initial target, and 1st stretch goal, so it’s full steam ahead, but this is your chance to get involved, as we’re supporters of all things DIY, and dudes getting things done Continue reading

Raging Heroes – Kapitan Ivanka Kurganova Review


The three female commissar models available, plus some sort of weird hippo dog thing I’m not really sure about.

Good looking girls with guns, its that old cliché for the non functioning gamer isn’t it? But I’ll be honest, having grown up on Japanese monster movies and Anime from an early age, I still reckon they’re boss, and no one does it better than the Japanese.

Soda Pop do some good Anime style female models with mechs, giant robots are awesome right? Whats more awesome? Giant robots with hot girls! But recently I’ve been debating some models from the Raging Heroes range. Continue reading

Shadows of Brimstone aka WTF is Kickstarter?


downloadKickstarter, what in the world of fuck is that then? Its taken me about 18 months to get my head around what the deal is here. Its dragons den with no dragons and absolutely no fucking quality control, you give someone some of your money, and they might think about doing something worthwhile with it, and send you a bit of it, or they might just spunk it up the wall on cocaine, burgers and strippers. Its a lottery. So why the fuck would anyone go in for it?

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Kickstart My Heart – Battle Systems Modular Terrain Part II – Interview

kickstarterBS102Yesterday I published an introduction to the Battle Systems Modular Terrain, but as ever with Corehammer, we wanted to dig a little bit deeper and know a bit more about the people behind it. What drives them to what they do, how did they stumble into this hobby, and how did they go about turning a hobby into a business? They kindly obliged us.

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