About Stevie

Stevie Boxall currently lives in South London. He has experimented with putting shows on, doing a zine and being in a band, he was pretty crap at all of them. He redeemed some of his punk credibility by doing a semi-well received distro while living in Bournemouth. He is currently playing Bolt Action, Warhammer Fantasy, Dreadball, X-Wing, is presently running mangaworthreading.co

Panther Ausf G painted by Charlie Brebner – The Great Bolt Action Paint Off Winner

So when you’re best mate & Corehammer’s own Charie Brebner won a painting competition judged by Paul Sawyer (Fat Bloke!) and is featured on the Warlord site, it’s rude not to take a few sneaky pics and throw it up on Corehammer & YouTube. You can see the Warlord article here.

Gallery and video slideshow below…

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Corehammer Armies – Louise Sugden’s Snakebite Waaagh!


This gallery contains 10 photos.

It seems lately the Corehammer Facebook group has been going from strength to strength, and with it, has had a resurgence of insanely painted minis. So we thought it was time we showcased a few of the top forces again … Continue reading

Corehammer Armies – Mark Pearce’s Morat Aggression Force


This gallery contains 6 photos.

Continuing on with the coverage of the Corehammer Facebook group‘s armies, as well as combing the new found love (fad?) for the new edition of Infinity, this time we have Mark Pearce’s Morat Aggression Force. Hey Mark, give us a quick … Continue reading

Ill Blood II – An All New Low – Warhammer Fantasy Tournament Draw

Brett Charge - Ming Lee

Tomorrow marks the second Ill Blood Warhammer Fantasy tournament at Dark Sphere in Altdorf London. Army lists are in a checked and all there is to do now is to turn up and roll some dice. Hopefully there should be some lively social media updates, so check #illblood on Twitter and Instagram for some war corrispondance from those who are witnessing it first hand.

But more importanly, here is the first round draw…

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Ten Yard Fight – Dreadball Tournament – 13th September



Ten Yard Fight is a 5 game, one day Dreadball event happening at the Dark Sphere store near Waterloo in London on 13th September. Starting with registration at 10am & ending around 6pm with 5 games lasting 60 minutes each. There will be a prize for the overall winner, as well as some other bits up for grabs. Tickets are available from Dark Sphere online and in store for £7. You can find the event on Facebook here. Continue reading

The Empire Strikes Back – a buyers guide to X-Wing


Baron Soontir Fel

Nestled in the Brak Sector, the Aramand Cluster, operatives Ors & Katarn rendezvous with their smuggler escort, Roark Garnet. The three ship convoy skirts around the edges of inhabited space, bringing the the encrypted data codes stolen from the Imperial Holonet. On entering the planet Orma’s orbit, scanners start to pick up a lone ship.

Within minutes, the trio of ships have a visual, enhancing with their com systems, they identify the squad markings on the sleek, fast craft, with this many kill markings, it could only be one man. The journey seemed almost too easy, now stuck in the gravity well of Orma and its moons, the operatives detect 2 more vessels approaching from the solar glare of the nearest star, a Lambda Class Shuttle fitted with heavy weaponry and the formidable Firespray patrol craft. As the net closes, the Rebels know they must fight or be caught in Baron Fel’s trap …

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An interview with Byron of Element Games 


So, this interview was done a few months back for the Corehammer zine that was going to be released for the Dark Throne tournament, however the printers ended up getting a massive order in and our run would have missed the tourney, so it’s sitting on the digital shelf for now. But, as Byron was kind enough to answer our questions, it’s only fair to get this out in a somewhat timely manner.

For those that don’t know, Byron is the guy behind Element Games, a sweet indie retailer. Corehammer fully back them for their awesome customer service, quick delivery (if you get an order in early enough, it usually arrives next day) and let’s face it, they do a good discount. If you are a local to Manchester, they also have a bricks and mortar store at the North West Gaming Centre. Anway, enough of my bullshit, here’s a shit load of photos of Byron’s amazing painting & the interview.

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A New Hope – Jumping feet first into X-Wing

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Pursued by the vile terrorists, the damaged Firespray banks around a cluster of asteroids, drawing an equally worse for wear YT-1300 and a barely functioning X-Wing through the centre of debris. With all 3 ships one laser shot away from a hull breach, only expert manoeuvring will save the pilots from death. The YT’s bulk a disadvantage, causing a hit to an asteroid and crippling its sensor arrays, then shots from the rear-facing lasers on the Bounty Hunter’s vessel finish off the Rebel scum’s ship.

Watching such a colossal ship light up the space before his eyes must be terrifying for even an ace pilot. Dodging the remaining asteroids, the agile X-Wing only needs to make his last shot count. The pilots eyes open wide with shock, the Firespray makes a radical change in course and the X-Wing thunders into close proximity, too close. The fatal anti-pursuit lasers making a quick death to such the hero of the Rebellion. Today Major Wes Janson and the mighty Wookie, Chewbacca have died. Death to the Rebel scum.

Long live the Emperor!

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Reign in Blood – Post Ill Blood Results

Brett Charge - Ming Lee

Brett Charge – Ming Lee

Corehammer’s first Warhammer tournament, Ill Blood, went off with a bang this past weekend at Dark Sphere in the heart of London. The Corehammer crew ran its first one day event with plaudits coming from both attendees and venue for holding such a successful first event, that had a solid attendance and a great atmosphere. Huge thanks goes out to everyone who made the event such a solid day of hobby chilling!

First up want to say a huge thanks to the Corehammer team, Stevie, thanks for putting this event on!
Nicely run event and an awesome crew!


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