Keep Rollin, Rollin, Rollin your bases out of green stuff

Things have come a long way since the days of sand painted goblin green when it comes to bases, and every man and his dog are in the scenic bases game these days.

But can you be arsed buying scenic bases for a full Necromunda gang? Probably. A 40k army, a Fantasy Battle army….? Perhaps not.

So what do you do? Make your own.

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Trapped Under Dice: CH Xmas Mosh

“Human sacrifice, dwarves and elves living together, mass hysteria”

Once more the hour had come upon us for that finest of recent traditions,the Corehammer Christmas social. Typically plans were made, promises of attendance sworn in blood and games organised. In previous years we have held court at Warhammer World, Foundry and the Element Gaming Centre in Stockport. But I like to mix it up and visit new places so this year we gathered at Mantic HQ. Tucked away on the edge of a residential estate in Bullwell, Nottingham, it took Ager and I a few goes to try and find the place.  After successfully navigating a gaggle of nightmarish traffic calming bollard children, we arrived. We were greeted by our host for the day Mantic’s very own perennially enthusiastic Scotsman, Andy Meechan, and ushered inside.

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Cold Sleep – Infinity Battle Report

IBR Picture 5

(ITS Infinity battle report in a North England wasteland – written by Ross)

I started my dark path with nerdom playing Heroquest, Space Crusade and reading FF novels with my brother Adam. It wasn’t until I obtained a copy of Tyranid Attack at age 11, that my true journey and on-off love affair with GW commenced. In the 20+ years since then, I’ve worked for GW, been a freelance painter for several other companies and lost my fair share of blood and teeth at HC shows. I’ve also played almost every type of game system that has been around, and that is mainly due to my long time partner in the dark arts – Matt Beech. Just before I set sail to the golden shores of California 6 years ago, Matt introduced me to Infinity and since then, I have never looked back. I love it. The game play, the universe and the whole manga aesthetic. Every time I visit, I make the pilgrimage to spend a weekend gaming with Mr Beech, and since Infinity is always on the cards, this last weekend I had this brilliant idea of doing an old-school battle report, the like of which we all used to know and love in that fabled tome White Dwarf (cue the bashing of GW for dropping them). The main aim of which was to enlighten a wider audience on the exciting game play of Infinity.

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‘This is the voice of MayaCast’

MayaCast LogoIf you have been listening to any Infinity pod casts over the last few years you are probably used to listening to the dulcet tones of Tom Schadle. Co-host of MayaCast and previously one of the hosts on O-12. Tom has been a big part of the Infinity community for a few years. Aside from being a big advocate for Infinity, he also happens to be an award winning painter, whose work has graced a number of companies. If you’re not aware of his work, check out his blog and his Facebook page.

Pan O modelsTom took some time to answer some half-baked questions from Corehammer, so without any further ado:

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How to tab pin Infinity miniatures to bases

I’ve recently gotten into Infinity, it’s a game with some gorgeously sculpted models.  The problem is, plenty of these models are in poses which make their connection between feet and base so bad, it makes Strife’s “Angermeans” seem like a masterpiece.  Read on to find out my easy solution to the problem.

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Nomads Hellcat w/ HMG

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Talk: Ash Barker of Miniwargaming and Guerrilla Miniature Games


I’d previously enthused about Miniwargaming on the blog (see here), and then just after that, Ash joined the team. With his love of Warhammer, Infinity, Warmachine and metal, and solid gold video content, it was natural we’d want him to share his thoughts with us. You can also follow his new venture, Guerrilla Miniature Games on Facebook, YouTube and on his Blog

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Hobby goals for 2015

Now that's what I call a Pile Of Shame™

Now that’s what I call a Pile Of Shame™

At the start of the year, we all make ambitious plans for multiple armies and to check out all the new hot games, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. Real life, work, family, stress, can’t be arsed, you name it, there’s always a hobby killer. So, without berating the crew for what they didn’t do in 2014, let’s see what plans we have.

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Infinity: Voyage to Infinity


Infinity 3rd Edition is out and the game has really picked up momentum in the crew. I’m not going to dwell on the game, the rules or even ‘sexy modelgate’. We’re talking scenery. Infinity requires fuck loads. We’re not talking the usual GW fair either plastered with skulls and with more holes than actual scenery. We are talking whole buildings, crates, barriers, walk ways, bill boards, and cars. Pretty much anything that goes into make a table look good but more importantly block Line of Fire and offer a degree of protection.

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