Something all of us in Corehammer have been excited about for a while now is the upcoming Wild in the Streets game being developed by our US affiliate Chris Kohler. We have been selling casts of the first model, Sid the Crusty Punk for a few months now, and a few months ago I did an interview with Chris to find out more about the game. Then a lot of things happened in my life, I procrastinated and this languished in the drafts section of our website for “a while”. Thankfully, Chris is a patient dude, and with a few edits we’ve got it back on track. Continue reading
Category Archives: Wild in the Streets
Corehammer presents: Dungeonpunx Podcast
After much procrastination we have finally got our finger out and recorded the debut episode of the Corehammer podcast, which I have dubbed Dungeonpunx. I had been wanting to try my hand at podcasting for a while but the opportunity to get the rest of the OG Corehammer mournival around the table on the regular was proving to be an impossible feat. Despite my best efforts, conflicting schedules, geographical hinderance and a generous serving of good old fashioned apathy amongst our ranks put the clappers on my plan for full media dominance. I sulkily resigned my podasting ambitions to the steadily increasing mountain of ‘that could have been cool’ ideas.
Regular readers may recall my crisis of faith a few months back HERE Increasing pressures from work and university as well as recently volunteering a couple of Saturdays a month to work with autistic kids have led to a gradual withdrawal from regular posting and editing here, as well as a re-evaluation of what I really want out of the hobby. And whilst my 13th Company have not graced a battlefield since last years Corehammer Christmas party, I HAVE been playing D&D 5th Edition on the regular for just over a year and absolutely loving it.
A change in personal responsibilities meant that I recently had to take a hiatus from my usual Wednesday night D&D sessions. In anticipation of this I set up a regular Sunday afternoon session with a group of close friends that were keen to give D&D a try but had very little experience of actual RPG’s. Being the only member of the group familiar with 5th Ed D&D I grudgingly found myself sitting in the DM’s chair and after a few clumsy sessions we have found our feet and really got stuck into it. The natural rapport that already existed between Boardy, Max, Ager, Tom, Connor and I translated well into creating a comfortable and entertaining gaming dynamic. It soon occurred to me that this gang of cocky dungeoneers could perhaps serve a dual purpose and so I revived the idea of starting a podcast with the rest of the crew as my conspirators & co-hosts and lo, Dungeonpunx was born.
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Wild in the Streets – Sid the Crusty Punk Available Now (with a Competition)
Wild in the Streets is a new miniatures game being developed by friends of Corehammer, Slow Death Games. Currently being playtested and on course to be released in 2015, Wild in the Streets is a gang based skirmish game featuring Punks, Skins, Cholos, Goths and even LARPers fighting it like The Warriors on their way back to Coney Island. It’s Necromunda crossed with a show at the Camden Underworld, you’re in right?
The game might still be in development now, but the first sculpt, Sid the Crusty punk has already been cast in white metal, and Slow Death have sent us a box of them to sell, which makes us their EXCLUSIVE EU DISTRIBUTOR. Cool dudes alert. They can be found on sale in the Corehammer Munitorium for just £2.50 (plus applicable postage and packaging costs).
Sid the Crusty Punk Painting Competition
Sid the Crusty is the very first sculpt they’ve made for the game, and as you can see from the comparison shot, the sculpt was based on a friend of Slow Death, with results even Discharge could “say nothing” about.
We thought the concept of punks painting punks was pretty meta, so to encourage it further, we are starting 2015 off with a competition for a Corehammer goodie bag. Grab a Sid miniature from the store, paint it up and send us a photo by February 14th, and the Corehammer Mournival (and Garro) will cast judgement over your offerings. Going to town on the denim jacket, tattoos and any conversions to up the punx of the model are positively encouraged. We realise it’s a bit not-crust to make you buy things to take part, but it’s the only way this could really work.
Coming Soon
In the next few weeks (and indeed months) we will be featuring more content on Wild in the Streets, including a bit more about the game itself, an interview with the people behind it, and of course the new models and the game itself when they are released.
Keep it foolish.