Coremachine: Dead & Breakfast (Von’s SmogCon Report)

Anyone interested in a convention report covering five versions of the same RPG scenario, with no pictures of the actual content (because I was too busy running the games to faff around with any of that Instagramming-pictures-of-your-dinner nonsense), plus a single insanely casual game of Hordes vs. Warmachine?

Also, an obnoxiously British gatorman and his friend.

I hope so, ’cause that’s what you’re getting.

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Coremachine: The Witch By My Side


Can’t you see my death-fear?
I can hear her voice
Shoutin’ everywhere

Who knows what I’ve done
It must be so bad
That a witch does care…

Who fancies a walkthrough of a Warmachine army list? I hope it’s you, because that’s what you’re getting. If you’ve sat through my boring video you have some idea of how the rules work, and if you’ve encountered the Warmachordes community before you’ll probably know that we’re a very game-focused lot. That’s not to say that we don’t care about background at all, but when it comes to the crunch we’re not here for the fluff.

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Coremachine – Onward Into Battle

What? You want your Warmachine Correspondent to do some actual Corresponding about Warmachine? All right, fine, get off my case… So, last time, I rambled on in some effort to introduce Warmachine and Hordes to the Corehammer crew and anyone else who happened to be reading, and promised a walkthrough of a sample turn. Thing is, the shortest walkthrough I could come up with was over two thousand words long and about as interesting as Rimmer’s Risk story, so in an effort not to bore your bollocks off I’ve made some videos instead.

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Oath of Moment Painting Challenge: Death Dies Hard

I’m not normally a man who has dead lead lying around the place. If I haven’t bothered to paint something, chances are I haven’t bothered to play something, and if I haven’t bothered to play something, chances are I’ve sold it on for something I do want to play. Thing is, every now and then, I score a bargain, like this Imperial shitload of Cryx, to which I just can’t say no.

Whole lotta zombies.

Of course, I do have to paint the damn stuff, and considering how much I pissed and moaned about painting up a dozen Retribution infantry at a time, there could be something of an issue here: which is why, not putting too fine a point on it, I intend to cheat like buggery.

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