About Chris

Husband, father, procrastinator and record label mug. Living in Nottingham, but originally from Milford Haven. Back in the hobby after a decade of self-enforced exile, thanks to my fellow Corehammer punks. Sharp-minded, cynical, bitter and taken for granted. A true Iron Warrior

Hobby goals for 2015

Now that's what I call a Pile Of Shame™

Now that’s what I call a Pile Of Shame™

At the start of the year, we all make ambitious plans for multiple armies and to check out all the new hot games, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. Real life, work, family, stress, can’t be arsed, you name it, there’s always a hobby killer. So, without berating the crew for what they didn’t do in 2014, let’s see what plans we have.

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Oath Of Moment: Iron Warriors (Part 2)


77th Grand Company, led by Warsmith Meridius. Admired at Warhammer World by his holiness, Graham McNeill

“Tell them ruin has come to their world. Death, despair and red war. Tell them their hopes and pride have come to nothing. Tell them their empty whispers fall upon deaf ears – their gods are dead, human reason has killed them. Tell them the Angels of Death have come. Tell them nothing can save them now.”

— Perturabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors Legion

After getting 1000 points’ worth of Iron Warriors’ 77th Grand Company done for The Dark Throne back in April (see here), I’ve been slowly adding to it over the year, with a couple of Rhinos for my troops to help them get across the board better, a Land Raider to deliver my Terminator Lord and Trident into the enemy lines without relying on the fickle reserves/deep-strike fate, and lastly a tooled up Daemon Prince. As always, drybrushing and plenty of dirty washes have been my friend, and the long-term goal is to go back to everything and highlight a few more steps.

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End Of 2014 Chiller


Strength 10. Large mosh

2014 has been a good social year for Corehammer with the WHFB Ill Blood tournament, The Dark Throne 40K tournament, plus a couple of trips to Sanctuary Gaming Centre, so we closed the year out in style, with a chiller at Warhammer World, with all and sundry invited. “Let’s have an all-day Apocalypse battle, with a narrative” said David Ager*, so we booked the 6′ by 12′ board, sorted out a Loyalist v Traitors/Xenos rumble, and the warrior lodge descended on Games Workshop HQ

*the fucker never turned up

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The End Times: Nagash

The motherfucker's back!

The motherfucker’s back!

Nagash is back, the dead are rising, daemons are popping out from Lustria to the Worlds Edge Mountains, and Chaos has spewed forth from the North to lay waste to world, both old and new. Winter is indeed coming! As the second installment of The End Times is unleashed, I thought it’s about time I did a promised brief recap of the origins, the return of the mighty ‘Gash and the apocalyptic happenings in the Warhammer world. So strap yourselves in, and prepare for some heavy duty reading, as it’s a sprawling tale

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Corehammer Single Figure Challenge: July 2014

It’s that time of the month again where we turn our baleful gaze upon the hobby progress of our steadily growing Corehammer Community. It has been really pleasing to see so many submissions from outside of our regular rogues gallery, so please keep on sending them in!

I have said it many times before but it bares repeating, the Single Figure Challenge is not a dick-swinging contest. It’s a hobby progress update, and an opportunity to show what you’ve been working on. Our readers are encouraged to leave thoughts, suggestions and constructive critique in the comments section below as well as a vote for the monthly winner. As of next month, the winner will be receiving a small prize (probably a CH shirt or something similar) to go along with the fawning adulation of their peers.

If you are a Facebook user, please go join our group and get involved with the community building on there. You can also join us on Instagram or tag us in your mini pics by using the hashtag #corehammer ,or look us up on Twitter. I should warn you however to be prepared for the barrage of righteous indignation & outrageous proclamations that is part and parcel of that particular aspect of our social media presence! Thats enough of my old rattle, I’ll hand you over to Chris to get down to business:

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MiniWarGaming – Online Battle Reports


Learning the rules for 40K but only getting in a game every few weeks, makes for very slow progress, so assistance was needed, as the 4th circle of hell that’s a GW retail store was out of the question. White Dwarf battle reports are not what they used to be, and GW have no real online presence, aside from the new painting guides, so where is a functional gamer going to observe some games? God bless the internet.

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Oath Of Moment: Iron Warriors (Part 1)


“From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron!”

— Unbreakable Litany of the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion

Since I got back into the hobby, it didn’t take long to decide which army to collect. As a student of the Horus Heresy fluff and lore, after cutting my teeth with Adeptus Titanicus, I’d always been drawn to the original traitor legions, and none more than the IVth legion. Reading the fantastic Angel Exterminatus and Storm Of Iron by Graham McNeill pretty much sealed the deal, with a fantastic insight into Perturabo’s mind and the way the legion goes to war respectively. Cruel, bitter, taken for granted, overlooked, but also with a sharp mind, with attention to detail and meticulous planning. Yeah, that’s the kind of thing I can identify with. No talking swords needed to convert me.
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Kickstart My Heart – Across The Dead Earth

Just a little heads up, there’s a Kickstarter for a skirmish game from one of the dudes on the CH Facebook group that’s entering its final week of pledges. It’s already met the initial target, and 1st stretch goal, so it’s full steam ahead, but this is your chance to get involved, as we’re supporters of all things DIY, and dudes getting things done Continue reading