About Kev Walsh

Kev Walsh lives in Liverpool England. He has played in numerous hardcore and punk bands over the last 10 years including Seconds Out, The Last Chance and Down And Outs. Kev focusses most of his efforts on painting rather than playing, and is currently trying to push himself to learn some new tricks.

Which Brushes.


You’ll only ever need this many brushes if you’re a complete moron.

The topic of brushes is one that comes up in painting conversations a hell of a lot, and it can be something of a minefield, given the amount of variables that go into choosing the correct brush for your project, budget, materials, and style. As a moron, I’ve tried a lot of different ones over the last few years in an effort to find what works best for my particular painting needs, so here’s a rundown of some of my findings. It is far from an exhaustive list, and it’s far from perfect, but you might find something that works for you contained herein.

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Interview: Rob Camp from Abandon Ship.


Photo by Joe Watson: http://www.visionincision.co.uk/

Rob has been around forever. His gentlemanly demeanour and clean looks meant I never had him pegged as a closet gamer. But between playing music and combing his tache, the lad loves a bit of Bloodbowl and has some good tales to tell. I swung him some questions last week and he was good enough to spend a fair bit of time with his responses. 

Tell me who you are, and drop your hardcore credentials.
I’m Rob Camp. Wrong side of 35. Resident of Brighton & Hove. If you’re involved in hardcore punk, you might know me as the frontman of defunct (albeit dredged up) band, Abandon Ship. Also put on a bunch of gigs in Brighton in the mid 00’s. Also played bass in the The Hard Way, and guitar for both Bases Loaded and Legal Highs. Continue reading

Figure Painter Magazine: Review of Issue 2.

FPM_MainLogoFormed in some sort of weird split from the equally excellent Portal magazine from WAMP, Figure Painter is in it’s second issue and is already starting to make some waves. It’s easy to see why, it is a well constructed and finely written e-magazine dedicated solely to painting. If you’re looking for tactica, battle reports, pictures of that cute green haired bird, or articles about gaming hills then you’re out of luck I’m afraid. Don’t be disheartened though, there is a lot of great content contained herein that may really help out your style. Continue reading

Band Of The Week – Violent Reaction


He used to be a right weedy little bastard.

A lot of people spout on about how it was better a few years ago and how these days it is all different and diluted and boring. A lot of people spout on about how the new Daft Punk single is good music.

Fuck em. There is no way that UK Hardcore is in a shitter place now than it was 5, 7 or 10 years ago. Anyone who thinks that must be on crack. Granted, I’m not that guy who turns up at every single show for every band, or even at some shows for some bands. But I can tell you this. Me and Nate sat up till late (or at least late for us) a little while back talking about our days playing in the likes of On Thin Ice and Seconds Out. And while the intention of those bands was to stir the pot a little, and introduce an element of unpredictability into what we considered a fairly bland scene (it wasn’t, we were just fucking dick heads), the fact is, that goal has now been reached. I watch a band like The Flex, and the reaction they get is fucking wild. And not from those simple dipshits acting hard at the back trying to elbow birds, or those little turds throwing crowd punches at carefully selected, smaller members of the audience. I mean the lads at the front who can’t fuckin believe what they’re hearing, and have completely lost themselves to the music.

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Dope Sick Goblins


The moshing Orc.

After sitting on the boxes for a few weeks, I decided to get in to the swing of things with my Orc and Goblin army that I inherited from Corehammer luminary John Smart. Going through the box brought back some fond memories of gaming in Smart’s old flat five years ago. In particular I loved seeing the Moshing Orc again, seeing this guy made me realise that the imagination of John Smart is not to be messed with. Continue reading

The Punk Roots Of Games Workshop.


White Dwarf through the ages…

A lot of people don’t understand how dudes who are into hardcore punk can possibly have it in them to be such massive fucking losers with an obsession for Space Marines. I mean, lets look at the facts. Hardcore and punk (at least in the format that the Corehammer writers know & give a shit about) is Do-It-Yourself. It’s a bunch of lads and a bunch of girls who did, and continue to do their own bands, their own labels, their own press, their own sites, their own gigs. And while I know there’s plenty of you little fuckers out there who’ll happily try and squeeze a few quid from your shitty mosh parts, the overarching theme is that as soon as money gets involved, things start to dilute.

Lets contrast this with Games Workshop. A company worth millions. That employs over 2000 people, that is floated on the stock market, that frequently increases its prices while decreasing its contents, much to the fury of many of its neck-bearded patrons, who still flock to their local shop anyway, and in droves on the day of a new books release.

Seems like the two things are worlds apart right? But if we stretch it back a few years, you’ll see that the beginnings of Games Workshop aren’t that much different from the beginnings of plenty of DIY record labels that are now household names to dorky straight edge and hardcore kids.  Continue reading

Sunday Lifestyle Tips

Heading to Games Workshop today lads? If the thought has even crossed your mind, then the chances are you fucking stink. I know it’s just after mid-day and you’re probably only on your fourth can of Mountain Dew, but trust me lad, the grease on that neckbeard is gonna be getting funky in about two hours time.

Don’t worry though. The Corehammer Crew are strong advocates of the Functional Gamer lifestyle. You can roll some dice AND smell like a normal human being, and here’s how. Continue reading

Rancid Hooligans


While I appreciate that none of us have much time for post-Out Come The Wolves Rancid, the fact is that the first three records are nigh-on untouchable. And besides, everyone else was naming their Tale Of Gamers articles after bands, I didn’t want to be left out.

Here is a fun fact for you. As of about 6 years ago, Tim Armstrong had been sober for years. A band who had done some touring with them in the past told me and my bandmates that a few hours before they started, he would start acting drunk to ‘get in to character’. I guess thats what happens when you’re a millionaire dressed as a punk. Anyway… Continue reading

Scale 75 – NMM Sets. Part 1 (of 4)


The NMM Paint Sets from Scale 75. www.scale75.com

Like with hardcore shirts, it is important for todays miniature painter to keep abreast of the latest styles. Non-Metallic Metals (NMM), far from being the most modern and hip technique, is a string I’ve wanted to add to my bow for a long time. It definitely isn’t the Carhartt Beanie of the painting world, more likely, it is the floppy hair and Joy Division shirt of miniature painting. That being said, its technique is a definite door opener for other things, and a good understanding of how light reflects from metallic surfaces, and the ability to throw a tight, high contrast blend down on a smaller surface area are tricks that will provide no end of benefit to your paintjobs.

While I have always done fairly well with painting things like power weapons (see below), nailing an NMM look is something I’ve always struggled with. As such, this is not a guide on  how to paint in a non-metallic style, but a review of some of the tools that make it possible for the painter who needs a little leg up with this particular technique.

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