About Nathan Bean

Tyrant/ Editor Nathan is a 'former member of...' numerous mediocre punk bands and internet gobshite and has been involved in the United Kingdom hardcore scene since the mid 90's. Now retired from active duty he spends his time writing about gaming, movies, music and comics, shouting at the television and threatening to start another band.

Nobody carries the dogboy! – Salute Of The Jugger

1989 was a real kicker of a year. I was 13 years old. My brain was already a bubbling toxic soup from prolonged exposure to lethal amounts of 2000AD and undiluted Kia Ora. I was peaking hard and gobbling up everything I could get my greedy claws on to feed my developing appetites in twisted fiction, dystopian sci-fi and martial arts movies. At the cinema we finally got a ‘dark” Batman courtesy of Tim Burton and my cinematic comfort blanket The Burbs was released into the world.

What was I listening to? Guns & Roses ‘Appetite For Destruction’ exclusively. I hadn’t traded in the Grifter for a mountain bike yet either. Life was pretty good.

A little googling revealed that cinematic trend for B-Movies in ’89 was underwater alien horror. Sophie already dismantled The Abyss a couple of weeks ago much to Boardy’s chagrin, but there were at least four other ‘Aliens living at the bottom of the sea’  films doing the rounds. Leviathan, Lords Of The Deep and Deep Star Six. That’s all well and good but I’m from Margate mate, I saw horror on the regular down that sea front in the 80’s and didn’t care to revisit it in the cinema. That and I’m terrified of deep water. No friends, my attention was drawn to the other end of the environmental misery spectrum. The dusty plains of the post apocalyptic future…..

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The Reluctant DM – 5 miniature companies for D&D

With the current interest in table top RPG’s at a new peak, we thought it high time that we launched our Dungeonunx section of the blog. Regular listeners to our podcast will dubtless be aware that the crew loves to role play. D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Gurps, Advaonced Fighting Fantasy..we’ll give owt a try. Indeed the DXP crew grows stronger and more productive by the day. Last week Boardy dropped his first Real Play podcast under the DXP banner. He’s GM’ing through a Shadowrun campaign with the Salford chapter. It’s a first effort so it’s a bit rough around the edges and the levels are a touch off but stick with it, the pods a great listen. DXP Real Play is going to be an ongoing thing, consider it a supplement to the regular Dungeonpunx pod if you will. Tune in HERE to get your head around Shadowrun and meet the crew…..

And so to business. We are gonna give you the nuts and bolts required for new players/DM’s to get their teeth into RPG’ing. Depending on how you come to RPG’s you’re gonna want different things. Some people are happy playing in what is called The Theatre Of The Mind, whilst others have a very real need for tangible props and miniatures to help them visualise what’s taking place in the game. It’s important to try and  immerse yourself in the game. With some investment you’ll you’ll find you get way more out of the experience and the whole thing becomes a lot more fun and intense!

If you’re coming to RPG”S from Wargaming like most of the DxP guys were, then one of the easiest ways to transition into a new gaming  “discipline” is by finding familiar things within that game to relate to. In this instance miniatures upon the table provided the necessary sweetener to put my players a bit more at ease.  Now as things progress you may find the need for miniatures becomes less of a requirement. As players get more comfortable with their characters and with the idea of roleplaying, often the miniatures can seem like unnecessary distraction.

But for those amongst us who thrill to the sight of a tabletop full of painted minis but don’t know where to start I’ve provided this quick guide to some of the most immediately accessible and useful manufacturers for your games!


Bad Squiddo  _ Annie Norman runs Bad Squiddo games outta South Wales and despite her perpetual cold she gets a lot of props from us here at the ‘hammer. Annie is your go to gal for female miniatures of the sensible/functional variety. No chain mail bikinis or slut drops here, rather a selection of excellent miniatures that will bring character to any RPG session. Not only does she carry stock from all reputable manufacturers but she’s also  dipping into the mini game herself. Have a browse of her Freya’s Wrath Kickstarter right here then check out her store HERE, her mail order quickness is second to none.





Oathsworn Minis

Diehard Miniatures

The aesthetic sensibilities of Diehard’s broad range  will strike a chord with anyone lucky enough to have been a kid into gaming in the 80’s.





Marked For Justice Vs Fan Films

We live in an age where a geeks life is a many splendored thing. Gone are the days of scrounging around at stale old comic marts, tracking down grainy third generation dubs of the Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie or the Star Wars Holiday Special. At the touch of a button the modern dork can access out of print games, underground music, cult movies and become an expert on their chosen field of interest in minutes. But it wasn’t always like that. No mate. I’ve said it before and I will definitely say it again but being about that nerd life before the internet was some fucking toil man. If you wanted something niche…..you had to put in the leg work.

These days fandom is accessible to all. Comic book movies dominate the multiplexes. TV shows that draw upon the established lore of once reviled cult authors are now smash hits. We are quite literally spoilt for choice. I am not ashamed to admit that there’s a big part of me that is incensed by all this acceptance. What changed? Where was all this enthusiasm and tolerance when I was getting the pipe knocked out of me because I’d rather read an X-Men comic than play football? You people are all posers. I bled for this shit. Actual blood, not fake blood from the joke shop or corn syrup or whatever you cosplay people use. Fuckers.

Anyway look, right back at the dawn of the internet, before Marvel got their shit together and turned the superhero movie into a certified money spinner, that genre was absolutely in the bin. Yeah yeah we may well be past saturation point with superhero movies these days but until you’ve suffered through the Albert Pyun Captain America or endured The Hoff as Nick Fury, and don’t even get me started on the guy from Streethawk playing Daredevil in the Trial Of The Incredible Hulk… spare me your issues with superhero cinema you mewling babies. You don’t know pain.

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Danger, Dissent and Unfinished Business – Mosh Round Up


For my money Youngblood have been the dons of the ‘traditional hardcore’ (I hate that phrase) game ever since they dropped the Rancor 7″ back in 1995. That was a seminal record for my circle of friends, a breath of fresh air amongst the poe faced metallic chugga that dominated the sxe scene of the time. If you’ve never heard Rancor I’ll do you a solid and include a link at the bottom of the page, thank me later. Anyway Pimlott switched me onto Line Of Sight after his band True Vision did a stint with them and Insist around the USA year. Youngblood continue their unbeaten run with the Line Of Sight Dissent EP in which this DC quartet manage to breathe new life into that most tired of formula’s Youth Crew Hardcore. How do they manage this? Just like Rancor they got that ENERGY my friend.

See I really only listen to hardcore when I’m involved in some kind of physical activity. Chopping wood, running, pretending I know what I’m doing at the gym etc.  That’s when I subject music to my rugged criteria….‘does this record make me want to smash up this stack of wooden pallets in record time?  or Does this song make me want to throw a barbel through the ceiling? and so on.  I was out jogging when the Line Of Sight record rotated into my playlist. Holy shit when they open with Raze and that floor tom build up/ mosh part comes in after like five seconds, well damn it made this old man inadvertently pop the hood up on his C cuff reverse weave and sprint all the way home like I was missing Youth Of Today at The Anthrax in 1986 or some shit.

I stole that pic above from Jeff Lasich of Start Today fanzine/Bottled Up Records. He’s a cool guy and gave me some nice Firm Standing Law pics for my zine, so go check out his most recent issue for free HERE
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Hellbound and Down: A Hellraiser Fan Responds to the Hellraiser: Judgement Trailer

Today it is my pleasure to present a special guest post from my buddy Brendan Carrion. He’s one of the blokes behind the excellent Full Metal RPG podcast and my go to guy when it comes to the world of roleplaying games. Brendan posted an abridged version of this rant about Hellraiser on his Facebook page and I thought it to be so eloquent and informed whilst still remaining visceral and pissed off that I begged him to let me to share it here. Brendan graciously agreed so please enjoy this dose of his scorn then go check out the mighty Full Metal RPG podcast.

The Road to Hell

So the other night I get home from work and my girlfriend is sitting on the couch and she’s really anxious to show me a trailer on YouTube for the new direct to DVD Hellraiser sequel called Hellraiser: Judgement. She plays it for me, sitting there, watching my face, and when it’s over she says,

“So. What do you think?”

I think she was expecting me to fall off the couch and start rolling around on the the floor, my mouth all afroth, as I cursed the heavens for inflicting on us another goddamn subpar Hellraiser sequel that no one was asking for. I think she was expecting me to start pacing around  the apartment, flailing my hands over my head and shrieking about continuity in a high-pitched voice.

I’m a nerd about this type of shit and this is what we do.

But neither of these things happened. It was just another trailer that shows us too much of another crummy movie. It wasn’t an assault on my personal past as a human being or a cultural hate crime against the beloved legacy of a finely crafted story woven over generations.

So despite the fact that I have: A.)  the movie poster to the first Hellraiser film hanging in my living room. B.) Beloved pictures of me mugging with Doug Bradley and Ashley Lawrence at Monsterpalooza in 2014. C.) The poster for Hellraiser: Bloodline tattooed to my flesh, my reaction to the trailer was pretty blase.

Over the next couple of pages I’ll attempt to explain why.  Continue reading

Corehammer Armies: Old Woden

As part of our continued revamp we are bringing back some of the more popular regular monthly features from yesteryear. First amongst those is Corehammer Armies. Each month we’ll be shining the spotlight on the mighty forces fielded by our extended circle of heroic generals and warmongering tyrants. In this instalment Chief Chirpa has a nice chat with Joe Wilding about his very sick Treemen, Dryads and Wood Elves. Read on… Continue reading

New Year/ Same old shit it’s the January Mosh Round Up

Look, I don’t normally place much faith in statistics but according to the data analysis thing in the back end of WordPress, these hardcore round ups have become quite popular. I can only assume that the extreme music world has finally recognised my immense talent for discovering good bands and writing hilarious words about them for you, the little people. To capitalise upon that interest we’ll be shifting the monthly round ups to a bi-weekly schedule for as long as I can be arsed to write them. I tend to pick and choose stuff that I personally enjoy for publication here. If you want to read the mean reviews I suggest you head on over to my author feed at Apathy & Exhaustion

Ok to business, lets take a look at Hangman  from Long Island. Hadn’t checked out these guys before but they played some shows with Higher Power on their recent US tour and I heard good things so let’s give them a go. Vile Decree is the name of this new 7″ on Flatspot Records.  Hangman set out their stall on opening track Pesticide, mid paced chugging malevolence. There’s groove and scorn in abundance and when the mid paced break in Coming To shows up I challenge all of you not to screwface and bob your head like you’re mean mugging in a Biohazard video or some shit. Set a rubbish bin on fire, wear shades indoors, take a mean dog for a walk etc.

Abandoned crunches into view and for some reason I’m reminded of the Full Contact songs from the NY Hardest comp even though I havent thought about that record in fifteen years. Brian from Long Island miseries Neglect drops a guestie on this cut and his tombstone drawl provides a dynamic contrast to the Hangman vocalists cleaner style. Overall a pleasing listen, recommended for fans of mid nineties New York hardcore and urban fonts. You can listen to them HERE Continue reading

Drifts Get Deeper- December Mosh round up

The sky has taken on a bleaker quality than usual, the first proper snows of the season have arrived and that showy wanker round the corner has got his big Christmas lights up. Winter has finally come upon us. As I sit here during the seasonal perineum that squats between Christmas and New years I took the opportunity to stick on my wellies and wade through the tide of absolute shit that laps at my door 24/7 aka this months massive pile of demos and EP’s. Here’s three things I thought were good.. Continue reading

Corehammer Single Figure Challenge

Despite the glut of (by my own admission) fascinating articles, reviews and interviews posted on Ye Olde Corehammer this past few months, it pains me to admit that we have been woefully bereft of hobby content.

‘Not enough painted moon men‘ was the cry from the peanut gallery, and who am I to deprive our readership of their bread and butter? So here we have the resurrected Single Figure Challenge.

It’s dead simple right, submit a single figure that you’ve been working on recently to be scrutinised by our readers. The miniature can be from any games system or manufacturer, just send some nice pictures alongside a bit off text telling us a bit about it. Sounds easy doesn’t it! Yeah well you’d be surprised at how hard some folk make this, anyway here’s our entrants. Vote for your favourite in the comments below, winner get’s a £20 Element Games voucher. Crack on. Continue reading

Hard times in the Age Of Boredom….

Guys, we need to talk about Stevie Boxall. What has become of the former Corehammer webmaster and lapsed Warhammer tournament journeyman? Well since both our readers asked, I figured we’d shine a light on his activities beyond the tabletop…..allow me to introduce Stevie’s new squeeze. The Age Of Boredom….

I won’t pretend that I knew Let’s Play videos were a thing but after spending a few minutes scouring Youtube for comparable material, of which there is an abundance, turns out I’m the big idiot doesn’t it?

Anyway Stevie’s tossed his hat into the ring to provide dedicated play throughs of Indie and third party games for Nintendo Switch. Thankfully he’s a lot better at video games and surprisingly amusing commentary than he ever was at competitive Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I mean I once saw him get pulped by a fellow with a My Little Pony themed Dark Elf army. Imagine that!

There’s no danger of catching a  Brony beatdowns here though as Stevie talks us through his progress in games like Nine Parchments from the safe solitude of his couch.

 I don’t know shit about Nine Parchments but I do know that I used to enjoy Doom a lot when I was a bit more active with this type of gaming. Suffice to say Stevie’s series of Doom videos piqued my interest as I was more familiar with the IP than any of the other stuff he’s rattling on about. Once again the commentary is surprisingly entertaining given how exhausting the man is in real life.

If you’re a gamer and any of this appeals to you, go give Age Of Boredom a ‘follow’ on Instagram/Twitter at www.instagram.com/ageofboredom  www.twitter.com/ageofboredom  If you are on Facebook go chuck him a subscribe to stay up to date HERE. I don’t know what Stevie’s got lined up next for AOB, but my fingers are crossed for comprehensive play through videos of Double Dragon and Target:Renegade.