About Stevie

Stevie Boxall currently lives in South London. He has experimented with putting shows on, doing a zine and being in a band, he was pretty crap at all of them. He redeemed some of his punk credibility by doing a semi-well received distro while living in Bournemouth. He is currently playing Bolt Action, Warhammer Fantasy, Dreadball, X-Wing, is presently running mangaworthreading.co

How the Gods Kill – Danzig at The Roundhouse 24th June 2013 Show Review


Taping the late night metal show on tv as a youth  and having it playing in the background while playing games of Blood Bowl or 90% proxy games of 40k. The songs that stayed in my memory was always Man in a Box by Alice in Chains, Refuse/Resist by Sepultura and Liar by Rollins, as well as shit like Skid Row. Another on regular was Mother by a guy who an older mate of mine dubbed “The Evil Dwarf”, that bulging block of darkness was the man, the legend, Danzig. Continue reading

How to: Magnetise your movement trays & regiments

Fantasy players will know the importance of magnetising your trays, but this guide is for the uninitiated. So sorry to any experienced players, this may be teaching you to suck eggs. 40k or players of other game systems may be familiar with magnetising arms on a dreadnaught or a turret on a tank, but this is a little bit different (and in some ways simpler).

Your first question might be “why even do this?” Well, unlike most games, Fantasy obviously has regiments, all ranked up on their movement trays, that’s fine on a flat table. But when you introduce some hills or other scenery to your board the trays move on top of, you can bet your arse that standard bearer will fall over, taking a rank or two with him.

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Them Bones


Well it seems that most of the guys are coming to the Tale of Gamers with little to no Fantasy experience, it’s all good, you have to start somewhere with what I believe to be the most rewarding and tactical of GW’s games. I however have been playing the game for around 18 months after coming back to the hobby and deciding that Space Marines didn’t cut it for me (although I’ve dabbled in the newer edition and it aligns more to the fine memories I hold onto of 2nd edition, so in the future I’d like to give it a proper chance).

Currently I run a 2400 point Ogre Kingdoms army which I love to play, generally running them with a mix of filth and fluff (last few games I’ve had 6 Yettis, just because!) So coming from an army that has a relatively high power level (or some would argue had, due to the balancing GW seem to be doing with all of the 8th books) I’ve wanted to use an army that would improve my tactical play as well as bing easy to paint to a decent standard. Loving an underdog, I thought I would go for the widely considered bottom rung army, The Tomb Kings.
Beneath the Sands

Games Workshop Arcane Ruins Review

Terrain, unlike hardcore bands, only has to look the part, it does not matter that when you look at it in great detail it’s clearly plasticine hollow. However, like all of the bands you covet you want them to retain some integrity and a not fall apart after a few outings.


With the the general theme of this blog being the music we love and my particular interest in terrain (or as I like to see it, world building), I thought My first piece should be a review a new and indeed very metal looking (although it’s clearly plastic) addition to my collection, the Games Workshop Arcane Ruins.

More Ruins!

Welcome to Corehammer

Hello and welcome to the Corehammer Wargamer-Punk Collective.

Corehammer has existed as an invite only email group for some time now, with the aim of bringing together good dudes who share a passion for wargaming, roleplaying, sci-fi / Fantasy, as well as hardcore and punk music.

Our intentions are simple. To bring our shit talking out in the open and to engage with each other, and other like-minded folk in a more public format.

We have big plans in the works, but are starting small to see if it works before we start moving forward. While none of the writers of Corehammer are under any obligation to come up with articles on-demand, you should expect to see regular updates from the varying members of the collective.

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