Painting an Emperor’s Children Fellblade Part 1


That tank shock roll’s not gonna do you much good there son.

Following on from my last article, I thought I’d do a tutorial on how I went about painting the Fellblade. There aren’t many, if any, about for Emperor’s Children vehicles, so this might come in handy for someone painting up any kind of vehicle in 3rd Legion livery.

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Corehammer Single Figure Challenge: July 2014

It’s that time of the month again where we turn our baleful gaze upon the hobby progress of our steadily growing Corehammer Community. It has been really pleasing to see so many submissions from outside of our regular rogues gallery, so please keep on sending them in!

I have said it many times before but it bares repeating, the Single Figure Challenge is not a dick-swinging contest. It’s a hobby progress update, and an opportunity to show what you’ve been working on. Our readers are encouraged to leave thoughts, suggestions and constructive critique in the comments section below as well as a vote for the monthly winner. As of next month, the winner will be receiving a small prize (probably a CH shirt or something similar) to go along with the fawning adulation of their peers.

If you are a Facebook user, please go join our group and get involved with the community building on there. You can also join us on Instagram or tag us in your mini pics by using the hashtag #corehammer ,or look us up on Twitter. I should warn you however to be prepared for the barrage of righteous indignation & outrageous proclamations that is part and parcel of that particular aspect of our social media presence! Thats enough of my old rattle, I’ll hand you over to Chris to get down to business:

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Forge World Fellblade Assembly & Associated Problems


Fairly sure the Mechanicum don’t have the same problems you and I are going to have building these things.

I wasn’t going to do this article, but to be fair, having scoured the internet for help when I began this project, there was absolutely nothing of any help bar this one post, which to be fair, helped me out so cheers to the guy who wrote it. You can find it here for reference. The project in question was to build and paint an Emperor’s Children Fellblade. Something no one bar Forge World have done, or at least, posted on-line about it it seems. There’s a few weird conversions using Baneblades, but to be fair, given the £160 price tag, I can see why people might swerve the kit. Having built one, I can also see why people might swerve it, as it was less a kit, more a prolonged exercise in problem solving. Hence this article, to help you along the way if you do decide to go down the route of a Forge World super heavy.

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Oath Of Moment: For The Khan


Prior to entering the Dark Throne tournament, I’d not played 6th edition at all. Up until a few weeks before the tournament I was confident that I would end up dropping out, but I had a few practice games with Pete and it gave me that little boost I needed. Although I came 26th out of 34, it shook something up in me, and made me want to play more, and finish my army.

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Workbench Organisation Part 2 – Storage & Wargame Mods


To be fair, I can’t see this rack being that good for the storage of small bottles of acrylic paint either, though you might be in luck if you want Daemonette Hide of Slaanesh Grey.

Right, step two, putting all those nicely filled dropper bottles in to something to keep them organised.  But what?! The issue was I didn’t want something that stacked horizontally over levels like my previous one. It was great, but space is a premium here, and going from one to another was absolutely pointless. So, what options are out there?

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An Interview with John Keys


JK - Misc1

John Keys is fast becoming one of the most recognised painters in the UK. A quick look at his Putty & Paint page shows some extremely high standard work, with a style focussing on extremely natural looking, atmospheric, and somewhat bleak dioramas. I met John about a year back at a Weekend Workshop painting weekend. We hit it off straight away, and I was struck by the standard of his work, which seemed a good few notches above most of the other painters there, myself included. So, being the parasite that I am, I latched on to him, and have yet to let him free from my grasp. Over the last 12 months the work John has chosen to share on forums such as WAMP and Platoon Britannica has shown considerable improvements from the already high standard I witnessed last year. As the level of his work continues to move forwards, his name starts to reach further and further afield.

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Workbench Organisation Part 1 – Dropper Bottles


The rack. Obviously this one would be absolutely rubbish for storing paint, apart from blood red I suppose. Maybe some bits of bleached bone ….

As your paint collection grows, space becomes a premium, I’m sure a lot of readers will have found this, especially when concerning those chubby little Citadel pots. I’d previously been using a stacking system from and a fine paint rack it is. Solid laser-cut MDF, you can read Tony’s review of it here.

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Space Wolves Oath Of Moment Part 2: Feral Love


The Doomed 13th muster for war

‘When the sorrow is all gone it is buried in the sun
When the wolves howl their song and the whole earth is done
When the wolves howl their song and the wind still carries on’

So picking up the thread from my last Oath Of Moment entry, did I make it to Dark Throne with a fully painted Space Wolf army? Well I certainly didn’t have any bare plastic on the table (which ultimately was the point I guess) but embarrassingly I had to cut a few corners to get there. Here’s how it went down:
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Oath of Moment: Grey Knights – Part 1

“The daemonic are without number, and their legions span the galaxy. But faith does not tire. Should it take us an eternity, the Ordo Malleus will find and exterminate them all.”
– Lord Hephaestos Grudd


This is a bit of a back story to my current hobby situation. Yes I’m going to ramble, but you’ll get to the rest of the pictures eventually. Just hang in for a little while; I hope it’ll be worth it.
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Oath Of Moment: Iron Warriors (Part 1)


“From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron!”

— Unbreakable Litany of the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion

Since I got back into the hobby, it didn’t take long to decide which army to collect. As a student of the Horus Heresy fluff and lore, after cutting my teeth with Adeptus Titanicus, I’d always been drawn to the original traitor legions, and none more than the IVth legion. Reading the fantastic Angel Exterminatus and Storm Of Iron by Graham McNeill pretty much sealed the deal, with a fantastic insight into Perturabo’s mind and the way the legion goes to war respectively. Cruel, bitter, taken for granted, overlooked, but also with a sharp mind, with attention to detail and meticulous planning. Yeah, that’s the kind of thing I can identify with. No talking swords needed to convert me.
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