Airbrush Guide Part 1- What Compressor?


Remember when Pris spray painted her eyes? Well, she couldn’t have done it without checking out Corehammer’s guide to airbrushing first, so read on!

We’ve been asked again and again for info on airbrushing, where to start, what to buy, what you need, as it can be a minefield, and fairly daunting. Well, here it is, part one of a solid, friendly guide, presented in a manner that’s not confusing, elitist, or jargon heavy, designed to guide you through the initial steps.

Part one will give you some info on your compressor, what you’re looking for, the difference between them, which will fit your needs etc. We’ll cover the actual airbrush in part 2, and in part 3, some supplies you’ll need, what you can use to save money, and just general tips and tricks, all in one handy place.

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How to tab pin Infinity miniatures to bases

I’ve recently gotten into Infinity, it’s a game with some gorgeously sculpted models.  The problem is, plenty of these models are in poses which make their connection between feet and base so bad, it makes Strife’s “Angermeans” seem like a masterpiece.  Read on to find out my easy solution to the problem.

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Nomads Hellcat w/ HMG

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Infinity: Voyage to Infinity


Infinity 3rd Edition is out and the game has really picked up momentum in the crew. I’m not going to dwell on the game, the rules or even ‘sexy modelgate’. We’re talking scenery. Infinity requires fuck loads. We’re not talking the usual GW fair either plastered with skulls and with more holes than actual scenery. We are talking whole buildings, crates, barriers, walk ways, bill boards, and cars. Pretty much anything that goes into make a table look good but more importantly block Line of Fire and offer a degree of protection.

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Oath Of Moment Part 3: The Wolves Of Terra

photo-1Despite my recent rantings and ravings regarding my mixed feelings towards 40K, GW and tabletop gaming in general, I still wanted to get this project finished. I have been titting about with it for a couple of years now and considering the number of decades I have been associated with the hobby, I am ashamed to say I have never had a 100% completed army. So with themodest aim of having a 1000 points worth of Wolves ready by Dark Throne accomplished, I felt somewhat bolstered to move forward with my army and add some more units. In the wake of the recent unleashing of  40K 7th Edition  came  a new Codex for the Space Wolves. Whilst the prospect of new toys is always exciting, I couldn’t really justify buying a load of new shit whilst I still had a pile of bare plastic to wade through.

As it turned out the new Space Wolf stuff was, by and large, a bunch of utter shit, which saved me forking out. Result.  However the pile of shame was still lurking in my loft like the unspoken family secret so I set about working on a small project within a project by using up all the various bits and pieces that I’ve accumulated over the last 18 months. I suppose its a bit like when you’ve got a big shop due and you have to make meals out of whatever dry old pasta and tins of mixed beans  you’ve got lingering in the cupboards. With that approach in mind I set about my new project with renewed zeal: The Wolves Of Terra.
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AK Interactive – Tracks & Wheels


AK 47 is the tool, don’t make me act the motherfuckin’ fool.

There are two big names in the scale modelling arena, AK Interactive, currently run by Fernando Vallejo Calleja, and Ammo run by Mig Jimenez. Seems there’s a whole truck load of pit beef going on between those guys, but that’s not the focus of this article. Tracks & Wheels is. Making them look manky and old, to be more specific

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Follow Your Heart, Follow It Through – Punk Art and You

Punk: a style or movement characterized by the adoption of aggressively unconventional and often bizarre or shocking clothing, hairstyles, makeup, etc., and the defiance of social norms of behavior, usually associated with punk rock musicians and fans.

Of course, we all knew that around here, didn’t we?

A few years back, hobby blogger and all-round thoughtful bloke Dave G posted a very well considered post about the… not to put too fine a point on it, the saminess of the high-end paint-jobs that you see around the place. The point was not to deny the skill, talent and bloody hard work that goes into learning to paint the Serious Business way, but to ask whether we can or can’t and should or shouldn’t be doing something different, just because… well, you see one realistically-done lovingly-weathered pseudo-historical not-a-brushstroke-in-sight Khador army, you’ve seen ’em all. Is it good form to pursue the Golden Daemon or Cool Mini Or Not style, or is it better to follow your heart and realise your own vision?

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Emperors Children Fellblade #3 – Weathering


Whatever I’ve done, I’ve been staring down the barrel of a gun.

This is the final stage in modelling your fellblade or whichever tank you’re following along with, from raw resin straight outta the Forgeworld bags, through a nice neat paint job, and now you’re gonna make it look all messed up and battered.

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Painting classic Genestealers. Quickly.

It’s now been 10 months since I agreed to paint up some classic metal ‘stealers and Termi’s to go with a full set of Space Hulk tiles obtained from eBay. 10 months and I’m still not finished, although getting tantalisingly close. I’m the first to admit that I’m a slow painter in general, but this delay has arisen more from a lack of general painting inspiration than any physical slowness. There is however a new box recently dropped that once again has the gaming community abuzz with excitement, or at least has gripped those who missed the last limited edition run; and there’s nothing like a bit of communal excitement to get motivated and gather supplies.

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Online resources for painters

PINTERESTand-INSTAGRAMA quick Google search for almost any painting technique, or ‘how to paint XX’ always tends to yield multiple results. There is a lot to be said for how much effort people put in to creating easy to follow tutorials advising painters how to achieve a certain results. And its not just painting guides. Reviews of products, unboxing videos, colour theory guides, conversion guides, people forming their own painting crews… A lot of people say that the halcyon days of community have long since passed and we’re a far cry from where we were in ’92. While I appreciate how unfair it is for me to say this when there was no CMON, Painting Buddha or Miniature Mentor back then, I am of the opinion that the internet has done nothing but good things for the aspiring painter.
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Painting Green Crystals


A while back, a message dropped in the inbox of the Corehammer Crew email. We get requests here and there, but not too many, and this one was specific to painting, so I thought I would have a crack at it. It was from a newer gamer, who wanted to achieve a green, crystal like appearance on the Shuriken Catapults on her Eldar. We had a little back and forth where I asked her to clarify what she was hoping to achieve, and I asked for a reference point. From there I knocked up a little guide and I thought it would be worth posting up here just in case anyone else wanted to achieve a similar effect. It also isn’t too bad an introduction to the push-pull glazing technique that organisations like Miniature Mentor are keen to show off.

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